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| [[File:Turtle.png|50px]] || [ Turtle] || $10,374 || $5,586 ||  <span style="color:#00ff80">&#10004;</span>  || 3 || <span style="color:#00ff80">&#10004;</span> || Resource || Civ || $7,980 || Turtle Poaching Zone || <span style="color:#ed5435">&#10008;</span> || Illegal resource that can be sold to drug dealers
| [[File:Turtle.png|50px]] || [ Turtle] || $10,374 || $5,586 ||  <span style="color:#00ff80">&#10004;</span>  || 3 || <span style="color:#00ff80">&#10004;</span> || Resource || Civ || $7,980 || Turtle Poaching Zone || <span style="color:#ed5435">&#10008;</span> || Illegal resource that can be sold to drug dealers
| [[File:Uranium.png|50px]] || [ Uranium] || $20,000 || N/A ||  <span style="color:#00ff80">&#10004;</span>  || 4 || <span style="color:#00ff80">&#10004;</span> || Resource || Civ || $8,000 || Radioactive Processor || <span style="color:#ed5435">&#10008;</span> || Illegal resource that can be sold to drug dealers
| [[File:Uranium.png|50px]] || [ Uranium] || $20,000 || N/A ||  <span style="color:#00ff80">&#10004;</span>  || 4 || <span style="color:#00ff80">&#10004;</span> || Resource || Civ || $8,000 || Radioactive Processor || <span style="color:#ed5435">&#10008;</span> || Illegal resource that can be sold to Uranium/Actinium Trader
| [[File:Turrent.png|50px]] || [ Deployable Turret] || $1,200,000 || $500,000 (Full) ||  <span style="color:#ed5435">&#10008;</span>  || 30 || <span style="color:#00ff80">&#10004;</span> || Deployable || Civ || $375,000 || Rebel Outpost || <span style="color:#ed5435">&#10008;</span> || Deployable turret that can be bought with Adv. Rebel. (Sell price will vary depending on ammo percentage).
| [[File:Turrent.png|50px]] || [ Deployable Turret] || $1,200,000 || $500,000 (Full) ||  <span style="color:#ed5435">&#10008;</span>  || 30 || <span style="color:#00ff80">&#10004;</span> || Deployable || Civ || $375,000 || Rebel Outpost || <span style="color:#ed5435">&#10008;</span> || Deployable turret that can be bought with Adv. Rebel. (Sell price will vary depending on ammo percentage).
Line 268: Line 268:
| [[File:Handcuffs.png|50px]] || [ Handcuffs] || $10,000 || $2,500 ||  <span style="color:#ed5435">&#10008;</span>  || 1 || <span style="color:#ed5435">&#10008;</span> || Tool || Civ || N/A  || Vigilante Outpost  || <span style="color:#ed5435">&#10008;</span> || Restrain people with hands up or tased; Windows Key> Restrain
| [[File:Handcuffs.png|50px]] || [ Handcuffs] || $10,000 || $2,500 ||  <span style="color:#ed5435">&#10008;</span>  || 1 || <span style="color:#ed5435">&#10008;</span> || Tool || Civ || N/A  || Vigilante Outpost  || <span style="color:#ed5435">&#10008;</span> || Restrain people with hands up or tased; Windows Key> Restrain
Restraint lasts 10 minutes. Not consumed on use.
Restraint lasts 15 minutes. Not consumed on use.
| [[File:ScrapRust.png|50px]] || [ Scrap] || N/A || N/A ||  <span style="color:#ed5435">&#10008;</span>  || 0 || <span style="color:#ed5435">&#10008;</span> || Resource || Civ || N/A  || Scrapping Items/Vehicles  || <span style="color:#ed5435">&#10008;</span> || Used to craft various items and vehicles.
| [[File:ScrapRust.png|50px]] || [ Scrap] || N/A || N/A ||  <span style="color:#ed5435">&#10008;</span>  || 0 || <span style="color:#ed5435">&#10008;</span> || Resource || Civ || N/A  || Scrapping Items/Vehicles  || <span style="color:#ed5435">&#10008;</span> || Used to craft various items and vehicles.

Latest revision as of 10:56, 3 December 2024

"Who tf snaked my regulls?"
Vigi Easy Money

Market Fluctuation

  • Some items fluctuate price when sold and will return back to full price either over time or when another item is sold.
  • To get the max value for a run use multiple people to sell before the price drops.

Virtual Items

  • Favoriting
    • Allows virtual items to be placed at the top of the buy menu
Picture Item Name Price Sell Price Fluctuates Price Weight Illegal Category License Faction APD Seize Amount How To Obtain Keybindable Description
Water.png Water $10 $5 1 Consumable All N/A All Markets Keeps you hydrated.
Bacon.png Tactical Bacon $75 $25 1 Consumable All N/A All Markets Keeps you full.
SprayCan.jpg Spray Can $500 N/A 1 Consumable Civ N/A All Markets Allows you to tag a location.
Redgull.png Redgull $1,500 $650 1 Consumable All N/A All Markets 3 minute stamina buff.
Burger.png Burger $500 $20 1 Consumable All N/A Red Burger Keeps you full.
Potato.png Potato $70 $30 1 Consumable All N/A All Markets Keeps you full.
Pepsi.png Pepsi $500 $250 1 Consumable All N/A Red Burger Keeps you hydrated.
Beer.png Broweiser $2,000 $10 1 Consumable All N/A All Markets Hydrates you with a consequence. Blurry vision for 2 minutes.
Cupcake.png Cupcake $2,500 $1200 1 Consumable All N/A Red Burger, Lea 5 minute stamina buff with increased run speed.
FAK.png First Aid Kit+ $500 $250 1 First Aid All N/A All Markets Aka decon kit, heals to 75%.
FAK.png First Aid Kit $500 $250 1 First Aid All N/A All Markets Allows you to heal to 75%; uses scroll wheel.
Bloodbag.png Bloodbag $7,500 $5 5 First Aid All N/A Rescue Market, Rebel Outpost, Black Market Heals you to 100%, can be used in vehicle, also used to remove the visual effects of pure heroin.
Epipen.png Epipen $17,500 $5,000 10 First Aid All N/A Rescue Market, Rebel Outpost, Black Market Revives a person without a medic; Windows Key to use; Person may require dopamine
Pills.png Painkillers $10,000 $5,000 1 First Aid R&R, APD N/A APD Market, R&R Rescue Market “You have healed your broken or injured legs!”
Dopeshot.png Dopamine Shot $100,000 $40,000 10 First Aid All N/A Rescue Market, Rebel Outpost, Black Market Give dopamine in field; Y>use item; Can revive person who dies with dope timer. 30 minute cooldown when dope shot is used; resets on player respawn.
Fuel.png Fuel Can (Full) $850 $100 5 Vehicle All N/A All Markets Refuel a vehicle; Y>use item near vehicle
Fuel.png Fuel Can (Empty) N/A $100 2 Vehicle All N/A All Markets Reusable; Y>use item near gas pump to refill (for free)
Fuelsiphon.png Fuel Siphon $5,000 $2,000 2 Vehicle All N/A APD Market, Vigilante Market, Rebel Outpost, Black Market, WPL Market After 20s, drains target vehicle fuel to 10%. Cannot go lower than 10%.
Toolkit.png Toolkit $1,000 $500 10 Vehicle All N/A All Markets Repair Vehicle; Y>use item near broken vehicle
Pickaxe.png Pickaxe $1,200 $600 2 Tool Civ N/A All Markets Required to gather most raw materials. Just needs to be in your inventory
Excavation tool icon.png Excavation Tool $1,200 $10 1 Tool Civ N/A All Markets Required for gathering at salvaging locations
Dip.png Dip $5,000 N/A 1 Consumable Civ N/A All Markets Causes 50 dehydration as well as visual effects
Gps1.png GPS Tracker $15,000 $6,000 2 Vehicle Civ, APD N/A Rebel, Vigi Outpost, APD Market Tracks a vehicle for you; Y>use item near vehicle
Enhancedgps.png Enhanced GPS Tracker $45,000 $20,000 2 Vehicle Civ, APD N/A Rebel, APD Market Tracks a vehicle for your group; Y>use item near vehicle
Panicbutton.png WPL Panic Button $20,000 $8,000 2 Tool WPL N/A WPL Market Creates an emergency call to APD with location; set custom keybind in keybinds menu or Y>use item
Towhook.png Tow Hooks $50,000 $20,000 1 Vehicle All N/A R&R Market, Rebel, Black Market, Rescue Market, APD Market Makes vehicle towable by certain helicopters; Y>use item near vehicle
Ziptie.png Ziptie $500 N/A 1 Tool Civ, APD N/A Vigi Outpost, Rebel, Black Market Restrain people with hands up or tased; Windows Key> Restrain
Pocketgocart.png Pocket Go Karts $25,000 $10,000 25 Tool All N/A Gas Stations, Rebel Outpost Deployable single person vehicle; Y>use item; Scroll Wheel to pick up
Pocketparachute.png Pocket Parachute $50,000 $10,000 10 Tool All N/A R&R Market, APD Market,Vigilante Market, Rescue Market, Rebel Outpost, Black Market Can be deployed at any point above 21.5m; any point below will not have the action.
Nos.png Nitro $25,000 $10,000 10 Vehicle All N/A All Markets and Services Stations Short speed boost to vehicles; Up Arrow to use; Two uses per charge
Kidney.png Kidney N/A $18,500 15 Resource Civ $9,250 Remove Kidney from other Player Illegal trade item; sold at Black Market
Turtle soup.png Turtle Soup $2,500 N/A 2 Resource Civ N/A Turtle Dealer? Keeps you full.
Speedbomb.png Speed Bomb $700,000 N/A 10 Vehicle Civ $350,000 Rebel Outpost, Black Market Vehicle Bomb; Detonates if speed drops below 60 KPH; Y>use item near vehicle to install
Ignitionbomb.png Ignition Bomb $750,000 N/A 15 Vehicle Civ $350,000 Rebel Outpost, Black Market Vehicle Bomb; Detonates when engine is turned on; Y>use item near vehicle to install
Scalpel.png Scalpel $35,000 $15,000 4 Tool Civ $15,000 Rebel Outpost, Black Market Multi use Item required to remove kidney; Windows Key>Remove Kidney
Lockpick.png Lockpick $150 $60 1 Tool Civ $75 Rebel Outpost, Black Market, Salvage Run Get keys to vehicles to you don't own; Windows Key>Lockpick Vehicle
Goldbar.png Gold Bar N/A $69,063 6 Resource Civ $34,531 Federal Reserve Robbery The reward for successfully robbing the Federal Reserve, Sells only at gold trader
Moneybag.png Money Bag N/A $30,000 6 Resource Civ $15,000 Bank Robbery Reward for successfully robbing a bank. Sells at Drug dealers.
Vehammo.png Vehicle Ammo $20,000 N/A 5 Vehicle Civ, APD $10,000 Rebel Outpost, APD Market Used to put ammo in any armed vehicle
Blastingcharge.png Blasting Charge $25,000 $6,000 15 Tool Civ $7,500 Rebel Outpost, Black Market Used to break into the fed, blackwater armory, jail, or bank
Hackingterminal.png Hacking Terminal $7,000 $3,500 7 Tool Civ $3,500 Rebel Outpost, Black Market Used to corrupt the anti-air computer at federal events; Used to open Evidence Locker
Lethalinjection.png Lethal Injection $100,000 $40,000 10 Tool Civ $50,000 Rebel Outpost, Black Market Forces your enemies to respawn; Y>use item
Hackingterminal.png Takeover Terminal $5,000 N/A 7 Tool Civ $5,000 Rebel Outpost, Black Market Used at an APD HQ to extend APD spawn timers (requires 3 armed civs in proximity)
Boltcutter.png Bolt Cutter $2500 $1500 5 Tool Civ $1,250 Rebel Outpost, Black Market Multi use item. To unrestrain Windows Key>Unrestrain; To break open a door Y>use item near door. To bolt cut a spike strip Y> use item near spike strip
Hackingterminal.png Property Lockdown Kit $2,000,000 $1,200,000 10 Tool Civ $80,000 Rebel Outpost Used at houses or garages to make inventory inaccessible as well as doors unlocked and opened, uncontrollable by players. Starts a 10 minute time for all members of gang involved.
Gpsjammer.png GPS Jammer $33,000 $14,000 3 Tool Civ $16,500 Rebel Outpost, Black Market Used on vehicles to jam GPS trackers; Y>use item
Warrantjammer.png Warrant Jammer $50,000 N/A 1 Tool Civ $47,500 Rebel Outpost Used on yourself to cancel an active APD Warrant; Y>use item
Deadswitch.png Deadman Switch $100,000 N/A 1 Tool Civ $50,000 Rebel Outpost Used on yourself when you have a suicide vest equipped to detonate vest upon your death; Y>use item
Smallpainting.png Small Painting N/A $150,000 33 Resource Civ $150,000 Art Gallery Robbery Stolen from the Art Gallery and sold to Painting Dealers.
Largepainting.png Large Painting N/A $300,000 50 Resource Civ $300,000 Art Gallery Robbery Stolen from the Art Gallery and sold to Painting Dealers.
Donut.png Donut $120 $60 1 Consumable APD N/A APD Market, Medical Market Keeps you full.
Hackingterminal.png Bait Car $30,000 $12,000 1 Tool APD $15,000 APD Market Placed on any APD vehicle to kill the engine and lock the doors
Coffee.png Coffee $1,500 $100 1 Consumable APD N/A APD Market, Medical Market 3 minute stamina buff.
Defusekit.png Defuse Kit $2,500 N/A 2 Tool APD $1,250 APD Market Used to defuse a bomb at federal events or banks; Y>use item
Spikestrip.png Spike Strip $2,500 $1,200 10 Tool APD $1,250 APD Market Placed on ground to slow vehicles; Y>use item>Windows key to place
Blindfold.png Blind Fold $1,000 $50 1 Tool Civ, APD N/A Vigi Outpost, Rebel, Black Market, APD Market Blindfold restrained people; Windows Key person> Blindfold
Roadkit.png Road Kit $1,000 $50 1 Tool APD, RnR N/A APD Market & R&R Market Multitool; Y>Use item>select>windows key to place
Fireaxe.png Fire axe $500 N/A 5 Tool RnR N/A R&R Market Allows the R&R to break open doors
Panicbutton.png Panic Button $1,000 N/A 1 Tool RnR N/A R&R Market Notifies APD of your location and emergent situation; set custom keybind in keybinds menu or Y> use item
Lollypop.png Medicinal Lollipop $1,500 $650 1 Consumable RnR N/A R&R Market 3 minute stamina buff that fixes broken legs.
Oil1.png Oil (unprocessed) $220 N/A 3 Resource Civ N/A Oil Tower Legal resource that can be processed
Oil2.png Oil $2,948 $1,586 2 Resource Civ N/A Oil Processor Processed legal good that may be traded for money
Diamond1.png Uncut Diamond $225 N/A 2 Resource Civ N/A Diamond Mine Legal resource that can be processed
Diamond2.png Diamond Cut $2,118 $1,140 1 Resource Civ N/A Diamond Refinery Processed legal good that may be traded for money
Copper1.png Copper Ore $42 N/A 2 Resource Civ N/A Copper Mine Legal resource that can be processed
Copper2.png Copper Ingot $1,996 $896 1 Resource Civ N/A Copper Refinery Processed legal good that may be traded for money
Iron1.png Iron Ore $22 N/A 2 Resource Civ N/A Iron Mine Legal resource that can be processed
Iron2.png Iron Ingot $1,752 $944 1 Resource Civ N/A Iron Processor Processed legal good that may be traded for money
Sand.png Sand $86 N/A 2 Resource Civ N/A Sand Mine Legal resource that can be processed
Glass.png Glass $1,993 $896 1 Resource Civ N/A Sand Processor Processed legal good that may be traded for money
Salt1.png Salt $37 N/A 2 Resource Civ N/A Salt Mine Legal resource that can be processed
Salt2.png Refined Salt $1,815 $860 1 Resource Civ N/A Salt Processor Processed legal good that may be traded for money
Rock.png Rock N/A N/A 3 Resource Civ N/A Rock Quarry Legal resource that can be processed
Cement.png Cement Bag $2,690 $1,206 2 Resource Civ N/A Rock Processor Processed legal good that may be traded for money
Platinum1.png Platinum Nugget N/A N/A 2 Resource Civ N/A Platinum Mine Legal resource that can be processed
Platinum2.png Platinum Ingot $1,872 $1,008 1 Resource Civ N/A Platinum Processor Processed legal good that may be traded for money
Silver1.png Silver Ore N/A N/A 2 Resource Civ N/A Silver Mine Legal resource that can be processed
Silver2.png Silver Ingot $2,047 $918 1 Resource Civ N/A Silver Processor Processed legal good that may be traded for money
Apple1.png Apple $160 $88 1 Food, Consumable Civ N/A Apple Field Legal Resource that can be sold to any Market for money; May be eaten
Peach.png Peach $248 $128 1 Food, Consumable Civ N/A Peach Field Legal Resource that can be sold to any Market for money; May be eaten
Radiation.png Radioactive Material $7,500 N/A 4 Resource Civ N/A Radioactive Zone Legal Resource that may be traded for money or processed illegally
Alloy.png Rare Alloy $11,326 $8,499 3 Resource Civ N/A Rare Alloy Foundry Processed legal good that may be traded for money
Fish.png Salema $183 $96 2 Resource Civ N/A Fishing Legal Resource that may be sold to the fish market
Fish.png Ornate $183 $96 2 Resource Civ N/A Fishing Legal Resource that may be sold to the fish market
Fish.png Mackerel $564 $303 3 Resource Civ N/A Fishing Legal Resource that may be sold to the fish market
Fish.png Tuna $1,209 $651 4 Resource Civ N/A Fishing Legal Resource that may be sold to the fish market
Fish.png Mullet $624 $336 3 Resource Civ N/A Fishing Legal Resource that may be sold to the fish market
Fish.png Cat Shark $1,809 $972 4 Resource Civ N/A Fishing Legal Resource that may be sold to the fish market
Topaz.png Topaz $648 N/A 2 Resource Civ N/A Salvage Legal Resource that may be traded at the salvage yard
Scrap.png Scrap $601 N/A 1 Resource Civ N/A Salvage Legal Resource that may be traded at the salvage yard
Emerald.png Emerald $1,390 N/A 2 Resource Civ N/A Salvage Legal Resource that may be traded at the salvage yard
Whitepearl.png White Pearl $711 N/A 1 Resource Civ N/A Salvage Legal Resource that may be traded at the salvage yard
Bluepearl.png Blue Pearl $914 N/A 1 Resource Civ N/A Salvage Legal Resource that may be traded at the salvage yard
Amethyst.png Amethyst $1,260 N/A 2 Resource Civ N/A Salvage Legal Resource that may be traded at the salvage yard
Coin.png Doubloon $2,808 N/A 2 Resource Civ N/A Salvage Legal Resource that may be traded at the salvage yard
Moonshine.png Rum $6,120 N/A 3 Alcohol, Consumable Civ $5,000 Illegal Salvage Illegal item that may be sold to the moonshine distributor
Lockpick.png Lockpick $25 N/A 1 Tool Civ $75 Illegal Salvage Get keys to vehicles to you don't own; Windows Key>Lockpick Vehicle
Mushroom1.png Mushroom $130 N/A 2 Resource Civ N/A Cow Manure Field Illegal resource that can be processed
Mushroom1B.png Processed Mushroom $3,354 $1,806 1 Drug, Consumable Civ $2,580 Magic Mushroom Processor Illegal resource that can be processed or sold to drug dealers
Mushroom3.png Magic Mushroom $4,193 $2,258 1 Drug, Consumable Civ $2,968 Magic Mushroom Processor Illegal resource that can be sold to drug dealers
Heroin unprocessed.png Heroin N/A N/A 2 Drug, Consumable Civ $1,057 Heroin Field Illegal resource that can be processed
Black heroin.png Black Tar Heroin $3,048 $1,680 1 Drug, Consumable Civ $2,364 Heroin Processor Illegal resource that can be processed or sold to drug dealers
Heroin processed.png Pure Heroin $3,810 $2,100 1 Drug, Consumable Civ $2,955 Heroin Processor Fixes broken legs; Illegal resource that can be sold to drug dealers
Cannabis.png Cannabis N/A N/A 2 Resource Civ $988 Weed Field Illegal resource that can be processed
Marijuana.png Marijuana $2,568 $1,382 1 Drug, Consumable Civ $1,975 Weed Processor Illegal resource that can be processed or sold to drug dealers
Hash.png Hash $3,210 $1,728 1 Drug, Consumable Civ $2,469 Weed Processor Illegal resource that can be sold to drug dealers
Cocaine1.png Cocaine N/A N/A 2 Resource Civ $1,300 Cocaine Field Illegal resource that can be processed
Cocaine2.png Cocaine $3,230 $1,778 1 Drug, Consumable Civ $2,504 Cocaine Processor Illegal resource that can be processed or sold to drug dealers
Crack.png Crack Cocaine $4,038 $2,223 1 Drug, Consumable Civ $3,130 Cocaine Processor Illegal resource that can be sold to drug dealers
Phosphorous.png Phosphorous N/A N/A 2 Resource Civ $1,800 Phosphorous Field Illegal resource that can be processed
Ephedra.png Ephedra N/A N/A 2 Resource Civ $1,800 Ephedra Field Illegal resource that can be processed
Lithium.png Lithium $120 N/A 2 Resource Civ N/A Lithium Mine Legal resource that can be processed
Meth.png Crystal Meth $12,466 $6,174 3 Drug, Consumable Civ $9,320 Crystal Meth Lab Damage Reduction by 60% for 1-3 minutes; Illegal resource that can be sold to drug dealers
Corn.png Corn $75 N/A 2 Resource Civ N/A Corn Field Legal resource that can be processed
Sugar.png Sugar $75 N/A 2 Resource Civ N/A Sugar Cane Field Legal resource that can be processed
Yeast.png Yeast $95 N/A 2 Resource Civ N/A Yeast Field Legal resource that can be processed
Moonshine.png Moonshine $10,926 $5,884 3 Alcohol, Consumable Civ $8,905 Moonshine Processor Illegal resource that can be sold to drug dealers
Frog1.png Frog N/A N/A 2 Resource Civ $936 Frog Swamp Illegal resource that can be processed
Frog2.png LSD $3,388 $1,984 1 Drug, Consumable Civ $2,686 Frog Processor Illegal resource that can be processed or sold to drug dealers
Frog3.png Acid $4,235 $2,480 1 Drug, Consumable Civ $3,358 Frog Processor Illegal resource that can be sold to drug dealers
Turtle.png Turtle $10,374 $5,586 3 Resource Civ $7,980 Turtle Poaching Zone Illegal resource that can be sold to drug dealers
Uranium.png Uranium $20,000 N/A 4 Resource Civ $8,000 Radioactive Processor Illegal resource that can be sold to Uranium/Actinium Trader
Turrent.png Deployable Turret $1,200,000 $500,000 (Full) 30 Deployable Civ $375,000 Rebel Outpost Deployable turret that can be bought with Adv. Rebel. (Sell price will vary depending on ammo percentage).
Heroin processed.png Fentanyl N/A $7,500 2 Drug, Consumable Civ $4,250 Airdrop Illegal resource found in the narcotics airdrop
Handcuffs.png Handcuffs $10,000 $2,500 1 Tool Civ N/A Vigilante Outpost Restrain people with hands up or tased; Windows Key> Restrain

Restraint lasts 15 minutes. Not consumed on use.

ScrapRust.png Scrap N/A N/A 0 Resource Civ N/A Scrapping Items/Vehicles Used to craft various items and vehicles.
Cocaine2.png Dime Bag Cocaine $2,600 N/A 1 Drug, Consumable Civ $2,080 Drug Dealer Visual effect + unlimited stamina for drugs duration.
Frog3.png Dime Bag LSD $3,350 N/A 1 Drug, Consumable Civ $2,680 Drug Dealer Visual effect.
Heroin processed.png Dime Bag Heroin $3,000 N/A 1 Drug, Consumable Civ $2,400 Drug Dealer Visual effect + fixes broken legs.
Marijuana.png Dime Bag Marijuana $2,500 N/A 1 Drug, Consumable Civ $2,000 Drug Dealer Visual effect + deploys smoke grenade effect localized to player’s position.
Meth.png Dime Bag Meth $5,000 N/A 1 Drug, Consumable Civ $4,000 Drug Dealer Visual effect + damage reduction for 1-3 minutes.
Mushroom3.png Dime Bag Mushrooms $3,750 N/A 1 Drug, Consumable Civ $3,000 Drug Dealer Visual effect.
Uranium.png Actinium $20,000 N/A 2 Resource Civ $1,000,000 Radioactive Processor Illegal resource that can be sold to Uranium/Actinium Trader