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This is the optimized path for completing the frog run.
The frog swamp.
The frog processor.
The Athira drug dealer.


Psychedelic Frogs are one of the most illegal items to run when you are first becoming financially stable enough to afford armaments to protect yourself and large enough vehicles to increase your profits.

Starting the Run

Before starting this run, it is strongly recommended to check the price of Frog LSD for optimal profits and to follow the list below to make sure you have all the required equipment.

  • Virtual Items Grab some food & water
  • Bergen Backpack for space
  • A Civilian Vehicles to store the Frogs/LSD/Acid
  • Frog processing license ($24,000 at the processor)
  • Head to the Frog Swamp east of Pygros to fill your vehicle and optionally your backpack using left windows key in the frog swamp area.

Processing - LSD

  • Head northwest of the frog swamp to the frog processor to turn your goods into LSD.
  • To process, scroll wheel on the NPC inside of the shed, you can either process from the vehicle or from your backpack and must remain within 25m of the NPC.
  • Before pressing Process, it will give you the time required to process. Canceling processing will process items up to the progress you obtained.

Processing - Acid

  • After turning your frogs into LSD, you will get the option to “Double Process” to turn it into Acid.
  • Turning LSD into Acid increases your profits once sold (x1.25 current price).


  • After finishing processing take your vehicle to any Drug Dealer. The closest to frog proccesor is to the west near Athria.
  • Scroll wheel on the drug dealer to sell your LSD/Acid on your person, you will need to manually remove the drugs from the vehicle to sell.
  • When finished selling go to any ATM the closest being the gas station south of Athria to store the money via scroll wheel or left windows key on the ATM.


  • The average payout for an LSD run using a Box Truck and a Bergen (210 frogs) is $711,480 for LSD and $889,350 for Acid.

Run Time

  • Using a tier 4 box truck the run took 25 minutes. If you are to double process the run will take around 30-35 minutes.