R&R Handbook

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Mission Statement:

Rescue & Recovery represents Olympus as an elite organization of professionals that strive to provide exceptional and unbiased medical services in a consistent and timely manner through the utilization of equipment, technology, tactics, trust, communication, perseverance, and teamwork

Strategic Plan:

  1. EMT’s and Basic Paramedics are primarily responsible for urban areas when numbers permit
  2. Advanced Paramedics, Search & Rescues, Pararescues and Supervisors are primarily responsible for rural areas when numbers permit
  3. The ranking medic on the server shall assign areas of responsibility and manage medics accordingly to facilitate the answering of calls
  4. Anyone who fails to listen or follow the guidance of a ranking medic will be considered insubordinate and will be punished accordingly
  5. Those who possess rank who fail to act on a deteriorating situation may be reprimanded or demoted
  6. The highest-ranking on-duty medic is responsible for ensuring there is an even amount of medics, and ranks, on both servers
  7. Medics are encouraged to work together in teams and utilize resources effectively to answer calls for service
  8. If call volume is high, and teamwork is not practical, the ranking medic is expected to work independently to answer calls
  9. Advanced Paramedics, Search & Rescues, Pararescues and Supervisors are expected to work with and train junior medics whenever possible. Teamwork is highly encouraged

Chapter I - Professional Standards

  1. All medics shall conduct themselves in a professional, courteous manner in TeamSpeak and in-game when working with medics and other players to respond in an unbiased manner
  2. Medics will refrain from using abusive language/actions toward others while on-duty
  3. Medics shall work together and coordinate their efforts to respond to calls in an efficient manner
  4. Medics shall operate in an ethical, compassionate, and unbiased manner
  5. Subordinate medics shall obey the directions of any higher-ranking medic who gives a reasonable order
  6. Medics shall not misuse their emergency lights or sirens
  7. Medics will follow all rules and laws which pertain to the civilian community, including but not limited to:
    • Speed and traffic laws
    • Disturbing the peace
  8. All medical personnel are required to have a [Medic] tag added to their name while on duty
    • Medic tags will appear as follows: Medic tags are applied automatically
    • [Sr. Medic] Tag is to only be used by active Seniors only (Supervisor, Coordinators & Director) via rank title
  9. Medics shall not quote rules while on duty
    • Exception: Medics may quote the R&R Handbook when necessary
  1. Medics are expected to roleplay every scenario they encounter
  2. Medics must value their lives at all times; however, medics may take calculated risks to facilitate their duties when an obvious or imminent threat is not present
  3. A Medic shall value their life or safety regardless if the weapon is a lethal or a taser
Meta Gaming
  1. Medics must not use information gathered on civilian to carry out their duties while operating as a medic
  2. Metagaming will result in administrative action and may result in blacklisting
  3. Medics are to wait at least 15 minutes in between switching factions to prevent metagaming if you are on the same server

Chapter II - Denial of Service

Denial Criteria
  1. Trolling: Player(s) who propagate discord on the server by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages to on-duty medical personnel in any form of communication with the deliberate intent of provoking a negative emotional response or otherwise disrupting normal on-topic role-play discussion or duty performance
  2. Threats: Player(s) who have repeatedly threatened to take medical personnel hostage, have previously taken medical personnel hostage, have repeatedly threatened to inflict or caused serious bodily harm including death to medical personnel
  3. False Requests: Player(s) who request multiple EMS/Revive Requests and leave the area, re-spawn, or disconnect
  4. Suspicious Circumstances: If a medic has reasonable suspicion to believe that a player is attempting to attain services under false pretenses in order to take medical personnel hostage
  5. Player request Denial through their death menu
Denial of Individual Services
  1. Medics may only deny individual players R&R services based on the criteria outlined in Section 1
  2. Medics cannot deny services to an entire group based on the actions of individual members within a group or gang.
  3. Medical personnel who deny services may only do so until the end of the server cycle
  4. Medical personnel who choose to issue a denial of services do so as an individual
    • Medics may request, but cannot force, other medics to honor their denials
  5. Players that are denied R&R services shall be notified via direct chat, side chat, or a text message when practical
  6. Medics are not required, but should always try, to deny players requesting to be denied through their death menu

Chapter III - Illegal Zones

Illegal areas include
  1. Rebel Outposts
  2. Active Jailbreaks/Federal Reserve Robberies/Blackwater Robberies/Evidence Locker/Active Bank Robberies/ Active Art Gallery Robberies
  3. Illegal gathering and processing areas
  4. Active Blue Zones
  5. Drug Dealers
  6. Black Markets
  7. Cartels (Within 1 km of the cartel's cap point)
  8. War Zone (Large landmass labeled as War Zone)
  9. Gang Base
  10. Active Turfs
  11. Radioactive Space Capsule
Criteria To Enter
  1. Medics, at or above the rank of Basic Paramedic, are authorized to respond to calls for service located within any illegal area
  2. EMT's must be escorted by an Altis Police Department (APD) officer or higher ranking medic to enter an illegal area
Forms of acceptable engagement within illegal areas
  1. EMS text
  2. Direct chat
  3. Warning shots (Aerial Vehicle's Only)
  4. Medics who choose to willingly enter an illegal area to answer a call cannot be killed unless they are properly engaged. However, all medics must READ AND UNDERSTAND the Exception as well as the Special Circumstances listed below:
    • Exception: Medic GROUND UNITS (ONLY) are Kill-On-Sight at Cartels, War Zone, Rebels, Radioactive Space Capsule, active Federal Events (Jailbreak/Federal Reserve Robbery/Blackwater Robbery/Evidence Locker), Active Banks and Active Blue Zones. Air units must still be engaged or sufficiently warned. Land vehicles, amphibious vehicles, medics on foot, and pilots who decide to land at these locations are all considered ground units
  5. Medics taken into illegal areas during hostage situations cannot be killed by their captors unless APD negotiations have failed, they refuse to provide medical services, or they attempt to escape
Special Circumstances
  1. Federal Reserve: Medics must not enter the Federal Reserve, Telos, or the immediate area around the Federal Reserve during an active robbery unless they are assisting the APD or being held hostage by civilians
  2. Maximum Security Prison: Medics must not enter, or loiter around, the prison, beach, or land, bridge while an active prison break is in progress unless they are assisting the APD or being held hostage by civilians
  3. Blackwater: Medics must not enter, or loiter around, the Blackwater facility while an active robbery is in progress unless they are assisting the APD or being held hostage by civilians
  4. Evidence Locker: Medics must not enter, or loiter around, the Evidence Locker while an activity robbery is in progress, unless they are actively assisting the APD or being held hostage by civilians
  5. Airdrop: Medics must not enter, or loiter around, the Airdrop while active unless they are assisting the APD or being held hostage by civilians.
  6. Rebel Outposts: Medics must not enter, or loiter around, any rebel outpost while an active rebel raid is in progress unless they are actively assisting the APD or being held hostage by civilians
  7. Cartels and Warzone: Medics who are flying within 1 KM of a cartel, or within any part of the Warzone must be given 3 warning shots or an EMS text with a warning along with sufficient time to react and leave the area before lethal force is authorized
    • Medic ground units can be killed without engagement if they are within a 1km radius of a cartel or anywhere in the War Zone.
  8. Bank: Medics must not enter or loiter around the Bank, immediate office buildings, houses, construction site, power plant, docks or plaza areas during an active bank robbery unless assisting the APD or being held hostage by civilians
  9. Blue Zones: Medics must not enter or loiter around Active Blue Zones or the surrounding areas during an active Event unless assisting the APD or being held hostage by civilians
  10. While hostage, R&R members are not allowed to revive medics at the Federal Reserve, Blackwater, Jail, Banks and Active Blue Zones
  11. Medics that are assisting the APD are not allowed to enter and assist civilians between APD waves unless taken hostage
  12. If a medic has arrived at a rebel outpost to revive a civilian, and it becomes apparent that the APD is conducting a rebel raid, the medic must leave the area and contact the APD to ascertain whether or not responding officers would like R&R assistance during their engagement
  13. Altis is inherently a dangerous island. Medics are not required to respond to any calls for service within illegal areas. Those who choose to enter an illegal area are acknowledging and accepting the inherent risk. Medics shall evaluate the situation and use discretion while operating within illegal areas
  14. All Medic units (Meaning BOTH ground and aerial units) are prohibited to enter/participate at ALL conquest, gang base skirmish, or Active Turfs. If you are in the area of a conquest when it starts, leave the area IMMEDIATELY

Chapter IV - Equipment

Items and Physical Equipment
  1. Medics may only use items and equipment available for purchase at R&R facilities, general stores, and legal markets
  2. Under no circumstances should a medic pick up any items from the ground that are not theirs. Items include, but are not limited to, firearms, ammunition, currency, food, drinks, and briefcases
  3. The flare gun should not be used for illegal or violent activity (e.g., shooting someone, and gas station robberies). Doing so will result in disciplinary action
  1. Medics can wear any uniform they have unlocked in their clothing shop
    • Exception: Basic Paramedic+ can not use the EMT uniform
    • Exception: Supervisor+ can wear any clothing item available to them
  2. EMT+ may purchase diving gear from the R&R clothing vendor. Dive equipment shall only be worn when responding to, or operating within the water and must be removed when the water activities are complete
  3. Medics shall only wear clothing items that are available at the medic clothing store
  1. Medics may only operate civilian and APD ground vehicles to the extent necessary to open roadways or clear spawn points
  2. Medics shall not operate R&R vehicles that they have not earned access to via promotions unless riding along with a ranking medic
    • Medics may operate other R&R ground vehicles they have not yet earned as long as the ranking medic is in the vehicle while it is being used
    • Flight Certified Medics may operate other R&R air vehicles they have not earned yet as long as the ranking medic is in the vehicle while it is being used. The ranking medic is not required to be in the Pilot or Co-Pilot seat
  3. Medics will not ride within any civilian or APD vehicle unless stranded, taken hostage, or actively assisting the APD
  4. Medics who lack a pilot certification, shall not act as pilot in command (PIC) of any R&R aircraft unless the PIC loses connection or dies
    • If the PIC loses connection, disconnects, or dies during flight, an uncertified medic may assume the controls and fly the helicopter directly to the nearest R&R facility
    • If no other flight certified medics are available in a timely manner (none online, hostages, involved with active scenarios, etc.), PICs may authorize a non-qualified medic to auto-hover and position the PIC to render medical services to floating or bugged player who is only visible to the PIC
Medical Crates
  1. Medics, at or above the rank of Search & Rescue, are authorized to purchase, transport, and deliver medical crates.
  2. Medical Crates shall not be knowingly delivered to, or near, the following locations:
    • Altis Penitentiary Zone
    • Federal Reserve Zone
    • Blackwater Armory Zone
    • Bank
    • Conquest Event/Airdrop/Active Gang Base skirmish/Active Turf/Radioactive Space Capsule
    • Active Blue Zones
    • Any illegal zone (defined in Chapter 3.2) that is being raided by the APD
  3. Medical personnel must not collaborate with civilians to purchase Medical Crates with the sole purpose of allowing civilians to take control of, or transport, the Medical Crate for themselves
  4. Medical personnel may deliver medical crates solely upon the request of a civilian, group, or gang. A revive request located near a cartel cap point can be considered a valid request for a crate. The medic should be careful to choose a central location to deploy the crate in these cases
  5. Medical personnel are authorized to deliver medical crates to any active engagement within any location, except for those listed in Chapter 4 Section 4.2
  6. Medics shall exercise common sense when purchasing, transporting, and delivering Medical Crates
  7. The pilot in command (PIC) shall be proficient at sling loading items before interacting with Medical Crates
  8. PIC's must exercise extreme caution to ensure that the Medical Crate does not strike any person, or property, at any time
  9. PIC's who inadvertently or intentionally cause damage, destruction, injury, or death during the deployment of a Medical Crate are subject to administrative/disciplinary action
Personal Equipment
  1. Fire Axes are to be used only to render requested medical service, to facilitate the rescue of trapped individuals, or to depart from a locked house that you may be held against your will in
    • Medics that are utilizing their Fire Axe to render requested medical services must announce themselves
  2. Medical Personnel are not authorized to give away the following equipment or items: uniforms, rebreathers, goggles, hats, helmets, eye-ware, medical kits, smoke grenades, chem lights, vehicles, road kits, vests or sling hooks
    • Medics may provide a civilian an epi-pen to facilitate a revive if an individual cannot afford to request or is "bugged"
  3. Medics are not permitted to use squad URLs while on-duty
  4. Equipment, such as smoke grenades and chem lights, are not to be spammed and should only be utilized when needed.
  5. Medics are to value their equipment and take the appropriate actions to ensure that R&R property is not intentionally damaged, destroyed, abandoned, or misplaced
    • Exception: Medics may take acceptable risks with their airborne equipment in order to facilitate a revival if it is the last possible option. (See Chapter 4, Section 3.4.2)
  6. Medic Minimum Equipment Listing (MEL) lists what minimum equipment a medic must have on their person at all times. Medics will consistently replenish their equipment as often as required
    • 10 food and 10 water to sustain health and be available to give to civilians/APD during emergency situations
    • 10 lollipops to provide to civilians, no more than one per patient
    • 1 fuel container with fuel
    • 1 Tow Sling if certified to fly
    • 2 epi-pens to provide if a deceased player is glitched or lacks the funds to request a medic
    • 5 yellow smoke grenades
    • 5 yellow chem lights
    • 1 Fire Axe
    • 1 Pocket Parachute
    • 1 Toolkit
    • 1 Medkit
Road Kit
  1. The Road Kit should not be used excessively
  2. Road Kits cannot be used while aiding the APD or while a hostage for Civilians

Chapter V - Vehicle Interaction

  1. Medics must verify vehicle ownership before repairing a vehicle
  2. If the civilian requesting vehicle repairs is not the registered owner, the medic must obtain verbal, or written, permission from the vehicle's registered owner before rendering repairs
  3. Medics are authorized to bypass the registration verification process if a civilian threatens to use deadly force against a medic that has advised that they are unable to repair a vehicle because of registration issues
    • This rule is designed to allow medics to value their lives and continue role playing during unique situations
    • Medics must not abuse this rule for the sake of bypassing the registration verification process

Chapter VI - Vehicle Towing & Impounding

  1. Medics of sufficient rank, Basic Paramedic or higher, are authorized to tow abandoned vehicles to the nearest R&R Impound Facility, or APD HQ, if the vehicle is abandoned and a registered owner cannot be located within the immediate area
  2. Vehicles that are legally parked within urban areas cannot be removed without the registered owner's consent
While Towing
  1. Medics must not "daisy chain" vehicles that are capable of towing for any reason
  2. Medics must not unload vehicles off of bridges, place vehicles in water, or glitch vehicles into or onto buildings
Special Circumstances
  1. Advanced Paramedics and above may Windows key impound vehicles in accordance with standard towing procedures. Medics will check the registration of the vehicle and clearly call out to the owner that their vehicle will be impounded. The medic will wait 5 seconds before initiating the impound. If the owner presents themselves, advise them to move their vehicle and depart the scene
  2. Medics, of any rank, are authorized to enter and move any ground vehicle a minimum distance to facilitate clearing a roadway, preventing a hazard, or restoring the functionality of a vehicle garage
  3. Before relocating a vehicle, an effort must be made to contact and allow the registered owner of the vehicle to take action
  4. Medics shall not impound or tow a vehicle if it is involved in an obvious combat situation

Chapter VII - Firefighting

  1. Firefighting is available once you reach Basic Paramedic.
  2. Medics responding to fires are not exempt from the R&R Handbook.
  3. Prioritze revives over fires.
    • Exception: If you're already on the way to a fire, you can continue.
  4. Firefighting vehicles may only be used when responding to a fire.
    • Exception: The Taru Fuel can be flown without there being a fire.
    • Exception: Active Pararescue+ may use the vehicles at anytime.
  5. Medics must store firefighter gear after the fire has been put out.
  6. A maximum of three medics may respond to a singular fire at a time.

Chapter VIII - Medical Interaction

Medics do not need permission to administer aid to players
  1. Players can still deny themselves medical aid (Full Heal) in which the medic must obey
    • Exception: Medics must value their life if threatened to give medical aid
  2. Civilians that request a revive are automatically providing their consent to receive medical attention
  3. Citizens cannot order a medic to revive a deceased player that has not requested due to game mechanic limitations
Citizens that choose to interfere with a medic administering R&R services are expected to adhere to the following guidelines
  1. Communication must be established via EMS text, direct chat, or obvious warning shots (Aerial Vehicle's Only)
  2. The individual must specify the body, name, group, or gang
  3. Civilians must specify who is making and enforcing the threat
Medics shall not disclose the Name, Affiliation, or Bounty of patients to anyone who is not employed in the R&R, in any request for service. These details should only be passed during legitimate forms of RP or if the request is being made to facilitate a player report for misconduct.
  1. Medics are only permitted to call the APD for assistance when threats or direct hostile action has been taken against them. Medics may then relay pertinent details to the APD. Ex: General Location, Vehicles, Weapons, Number of Assailants, etc.
  2. EMT rank is the only rank authorized to call the APD for the sole purpose of an Escort into a red zone without threats or hostilities present. Basic Paramedics(+) do not need to call APD for an Escort unless direct threats are exchanged before entering the red zone
  3. Medics are authorized to report suspicious or illegal activity that is observed around the Federal Reserve, Altis Penitentiary, or Black Water Armory to the APD
  4. Once the APD is actively assisting medics in a call for service, medics may notify the APD about pertinent details until the medic leaves, loses contact, or the incident is over

Chapter IX - Hostage Situations

Medics can be taken hostage when the following criteria have been satisfied
  1. Medics shall not be taken hostage if a member of their civilian gang is part of the group attempting to take the medic hostage
  2. The civilian has stated via direct chat that they are taking the medic hostage
  3. The civilian has the means to inflict death or substantial harm
  4. Medics can be restrained to prevent escape and facilitate transportation at the hostage-takers discretion
  5. If restrained, the medic may be unrestrained to provide services such as healing, reviving, or repairing
Medics may be held hostage for up to 15-30 minutes before they can request to be set free. [See clarification at 5.3 for federal events]
  1. Medics may, at their discretion, stay for an additional 15 minutes if there are no other calls for service pending
  2. Medics who elect to stay for an additional 15 minutes must not stay and assist for more than 30 minutes. Once 30 minutes has elapsed, medics must return to their regularly assigned duties
  3. Federal events: Medics taken hostage and utilized for a Federal Event (See Server Rules Chapter 17 regarding definition of Federal Events) should remain hostage for 30 minutes unless the medic has escaped, the medic is killed, 30 minutes has elapsed, or until the federal event bomb detonates or has been defused. Whichever situation occurs first
  4. Once a medic is released, the same medic cannot be taken hostage by the same group of citizens until a minimum of 30 minutes has elapsed since the time of release
Medics, who have been taken hostage, shall not perform any of the following activities
  1. Gather or transport items
  2. Operate vehicles
  3. Use weapons
  4. Utilize unauthorized equipment
  5. Medics shall only provide services to those they are instructed to assist while serving as a hostage
  6. To be considered a hostage, a medic needs to be near their hostage-taker, and have a clear and present danger to their life
  7. Those left unattended may attempt to escape if they so choose
  8. Medics who attempt to escape may be killed or recaptured
  9. If during a hostage situation, or while assisting APD, a medic is captured by an opposing gang, group, individual, or faction, the medic may assist the controlling entity by providing revives, heals, or repairs
  10. Once the hostage situation is complete, the medic shall return back to their regularly assigned duties
  11. Medics cannot be stripped or robbed of their clothing, equipment or items
  12. APD officers may Taser a medic located within any illegal zone, without warning, if they suspect the medic is a hostage
  13. APD officers are expected to engage medics located outside of illegal areas before using force
  14. A Failed Hostage Situation is when a medic that has been taken hostage is killed because negotiations with the APD have failed or the APD negotiators never arrived
  15. Redeploying while engaged or to avoid an obvious hostage situation while on medic is considered combat logging

Chapter X - Interacting with the APD

Medics are required to assist the APD if requested
  1. Medics must assist for a minimum of 15 minutes when requested
    • Medics may, at their discretion, stay for an additional 15 minutes if there are no other calls for service pending
    • Medics who elect to stay for an additional 15 minutes shall not stay and assist for more than 30 minutes. Once 30 minutes has elapsed, medics must return to their regularly assigned duties
  2. Once a medic is released, the same medic cannot assist the APD until 30 minutes has elapsed since the time of their release
  3. Medics who are assisting the APD shall not assist the opposing faction unless taken hostage
  4. If the APD are responding to a situation in waves, and the officers in the current wave are dead, medics should attempt to leave the area for 5 minutes and wait for the next APD wave to arrive
Medics may not operate police vehicles while assisting the APD
  1. Medics shall not transport restrained APD detainees
    • Exception: Civilians can choose to waive this right to expedite their transportation procedure
  2. Medics may ride in police vehicles while assisting the APD
  3. Medics who are assisting the APD within an illegal zone can be killed without warning
  4. If an APD officer instructs a medic not to enter an area, legal or illegal, the medic shall comply with the order and stay clear of the area for 5 minutes until instructed otherwise or given written or verbal permission to return to the restricted location
  5. APD Officers should not stop R&R personnel from performing their medical duties without reason, and must be able to enforce their demands
  6. Medics shall comply with all APD orders so long as they are reasonable and don't go against the Medic handbook, APD Handbook, or Olympus Server Rules
  7. Medics detained or arrested by the APD for failing to comply with orders or instructions may be subject to disciplinary action
Panic Button
  1. Medics are authorized to utilize the panic button under the following circumstances:
    • Unavoidable, inescapable, threat of death, or substantial bodily harm directed toward a medic
  2. Anytime a medic is able during an active or impending hostage situation
    • Anytime the APD requests that a medic updates his or her location to facilitate a response
  3. Those caught or reported abusing the panic button are subject to disciplinary action
APD Response
  1. APD officers are not required to respond to a panic button activation
  2. APD officers may not be able to respond to a panic button's activation within illegal areas due to rank and handbook limitations
  3. Reference the APD Handbook for specific response details pertaining to illegal areas

Chapter XI - Aviation

Medics authorized to act as pilot in command (PIC)
  1. Must operate with collision lights on at all times
Aerial vehicles may be landed at any of the following locations
  1. Hospital
  2. Air Garage
  3. Any open, urban or rural, area with the sole intent to provide medical aid to a citizen who has requested a revive
  4. Once the call for service is complete, the aircraft must be relocated to one of two previous locations
  5. Landing zones must not cause disruption, destruction, or harm to players, vehicles, or buildings
Aircraft shall be operated in a safe and controlled manner at all times

Chapter XII - Rank Advancement

Promotion Guidelines
  1. Promotions are generally conducted on Friday night or Saturday morning/afternoon (EST), or at the discretion of the R&R Director
  2. Times for promotions are gathered each Thursday. If a medic has not met their time requirement on Thursday, when times are gathered, he or she will not be promoted, even if they attain their minutes on Friday
  3. Promotional reviews are based upon time spent on-duty, observations made by senior medics, and feedback provided by the citizens of Altis, to include peers, APD officers, and civilians
  4. Medics can only be promoted once per week unless it is a special circumstance. For example, Medic of the Month award or Coordinator+ approval
Rank Requirements
  1. Emergency Medical Technician – Inception Rank
  2. Basic Paramedic – 1,200 minutes of playtime
  3. Advanced Paramedic – 3,000 minutes of playtime
    • Must be able to acquire Advanced Paramedic Certification (flight and verbal testing)
  4. Search & Rescue – 6,000 minutes of playtime
    • Must be APC (Adv. Paramedic Cert.) flight certified
    • Must have 30 days time in grade
    • Must not have any recent disciplinary action
  5. Pararescue – Appointed (7,000+ minutes of playtime and 60+ days Time-In-Grade)
    • Must first apply once minimum requirements are met
    • Must pass a specially designed test for the position
    • Must demonstrate professionalism, leadership, and dedication to the faction
    • Appointed by Sr. Medics based upon criteria chosen to reward good medic behavior such as:
      • ​​​​​​​Role-play
      • Avoiding obvious hostage situations
      • Not playing as a 'sneaky' medic
      • Making every effort to keep players alive
      • Demonstrating overall strong leadership
      • High levels of activity
      • No recent disciplinary notes
  6. Supervisor – Appointed (preferably 10,000 minutes of playtime or more)
    • Must be a proficient pilot that is certified to fly for the Rescue and Recovery
    • Must be able to facilitate new hire interviews and Advanced Paramedic certification tests consistently
    • Must be able to complete desk duties by consistently and accurately updating data on a weekly basis
    • Must be able to make accurate and unbiased recommendations for promotions, demotions, and removals
    • Must be active both on the forums and in Team Speak by guiding, directing, and mentoring other medics
  7. Coordinator – Appointed (preferably 20,000 minutes of playtime or more)
Rank Perks
  1. Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
    • Hatchback/SUV/Van/SDV
    • Paycheck = Base Pay + $300 every 5 minutes
    • EMT uniform (Blue) and Dive Equipment
  2. Basic Paramedic
    • Off-Road/Speed Boat/RHIB/Qilin/Quad Bike/Tempest Fuel(Firetruck)
    • Paycheck = Base Pay + $600 every 5 minutes
    • Paramedic Uniform (Red)
  3. Advanced Paramedic
    • M900/Hummingbird/Hellcat/HEMMT Flat Bed
    • Paycheck= Base Pay + $900 every 5 minutes
    • Paramedic Pilot Coveralls (Yellow), pilot helmet, CBRN Firefighter uniform
  4. Search & Rescue
    • Taru/Taru(Medical)/Taru(Transport)/Taru(Repair)/Taru(Fuel)/Mohawk/Orca/Strider
    • Paycheck = Base Pay + $1,200 every 5 minutes
    • Search & Rescue Coveralls (Red) and pilot helmet
  5. Pararescue
    • Hunter/Go-Kart/Huron/Ghosthawk
    • Paycheck = Base Pay + $1,200 every 5 minutes
    • Pararescue Coveralls (Blue & White)
    • Flare Gun
  6. Supervisor
    • Kajman
    • Paycheck = Base Pay + $1,500 every 5 minutes
    • Supervisor coveralls (Green) and pilot helmet
  7. Coordinator
    • Y-32 Xian
    • Paycheck = Base Pay + $1,800 every 5 minutes
    • Coordinator coveralls (Black) and pilot helmet
  8. Director
    • Blackfoot
    • Paycheck = Base Pay + $1,800 every 5 minutes
    • Director coveralls (Black) and pilot helmet
Approved Leave
  1. Promotions may be delayed while in an active leave status.
  2. Demotions
  3. Demotions can result from inactivity or any administrative action due to behavioral issues or medic misconduct. Demotions are generally recommended by Supervisors and approved by Coordinators.
  4. Supervisors that fail to meet all Supervisor minimums can be demoted or removed at the discretion of the Director as he or she sees fit for any reason
  5. Coordinators that fail to meet all Coordinators minimums can be demoted or removed at the discretion of the Director as he or she sees fit for any reason
  6. Medic, Supervisor and Coordinator demotions, promotions, removals, blacklists, and blacklist removals may happen at the discretion of the Director of the R&R when they see fit for any justified reason.
  7. Retention
  8. Any medic that enters inactive status (<60 minutes a week) for 2-3 consecutive weeks will be removed for inactivity.
  1. Medics removed for breaking server rules or R&R rules may be removed or blacklisted
  2. Anyone arrested or jailed by the APD may be disciplined or removed from the R&R
  3. Anyone removed for misconduct, who is not blacklisted, may not re-apply to the R&R for 90 days
  4. Medics removed for inactivity will not be allowed to re-apply until 30 days have elapsed from their removal date

Chapter XIII - Income

Authorized forms of income for on-duty medics are as follows
  1. Base pay allocated to your bank every 5 minutes
  2. Medics should provide rides to stranded individuals when able; however, medics must not charge people for rides under any circumstances. Common sense shall be exercised when fielding ride requests and selecting drop off points
    • Medics must not provide rides into combat situations
  3. Medics may accept any unsolicited tip via ATM transfer, invoice or hand-to-hand transactions
  4. Medics must not charge for a revive. Revive fees are automatically deducted and transferred
  5. Medic DP missions (available at the APD or R&R market NPC)
  6. Medics are not authorized to engage in any unapproved legal or illegal enterprises that are not directly related to R&R operations
Fees and Prices are as follows
(Charges are based on the distance a medic must travel from his or her current location)
  1. Revive (Automatically Charged)
    • $15,000 co-pay received automatically from patient
  2. Dopamine Shots (Automatically Charged)
    • $10,000 insurance subsidy received automatically from Olympus Federal Government
  3. Medic Buddy System - Medics can partner up with each other with the Buddy System. You and your partner will share the money (50%) that is collected on all medical interactions. [Initiated by hitting the windows key on another medic and selecting "Buddy Up"]

Chapter XIV - Communications

All Medics will be in the appropriately designated TeamSpeak channels while on duty
  1. Senior R&R Members are not required to be in their duty channel
  2. All Olympus Staff (Owner and Head Admin exempt) are required to be in their duty channel but may be alone in a Medic Team Channel
  3. Senior medics reserve the right to delegate lower-ranking medics to any medic TeamSpeak channel that they see fit. This may be necessary if a senior finds that the communications between medics are overlapping or non-existent
  4. Medics may freely use the on-duty channel and medic team channels. No need to be in a group of 2 or more to use the channel
  5. Medics may only enter an APD channel if specifically requested by an APD member
  6. Medics may remain in the APD channel until the situation has been resolved
  7. Medics who are currently employed by the R&R are permitted to use the R&R Break Room whenever they so choose

Chapter XV - New Life Rule (NLR)

NLR applies to all medics who are killed within the guidance of the server rules
  1. Examples of NLR applicable situations include, but are not limited to the following:
    • Failed Hostage Negotiations - Medic is taken as a hostage, and they are killed because the negotiations failed or APD never arrived
    • Failure to follow an order - A medic is instructed NOT to revive a deceased player and/or to leave the area and is killed as a result of not doing so promptly
    • Fleeing when an armed civilian attempts to take a medic hostage and being killed as a result
    • Intentional, or negligent, death resulting from an accident, fire, explosion, or Suicide
    • Deaths resulting from crossfire, suicide vest, or speed bomb when a medic is, or should be, aware of the imminent threat present. (Ex: Standing in between an active engagement or standing over someone who has been verbally engaged. Not included would be getting shot from office building immediately after reviving someone with no warning given)
    • NLR applies to all medics who are killed within Warzone, Cartels, and any Rebel Outpost
Medics can, but are not required to, exempt themselves from NLR at their own risk of administrative action from the R&R and Olympus Staff only in the following situations
  1. Random Deathmatch (RDM)
  2. Vehicle Deathmatch (VDM)
  3. Arma related issues that result in death through a glitch or failed game mechanic. (Purposefully causing an arma bug does not fall under this exemption)
  4. Any death that results from another player, not following the server rules
During NLR
  1. Medics shall not return to an NLR affected area for any reason until 15 minutes have elapsed
  2. The NLR affected area is defined as a city or 1 KM area around the location where the medic was legally killed
  3. If in doubt, assume NLR applies

Chapter XVI - Progressive Disciplinary Matrix (PDM)

Administrative Action Defined
  1. Documented Counseling: Any behavioral misconduct or violation of the R&R handbook, or Olympus server rules, that could be defined as accidental, unintentional, or that cannot be defined as malicious or egregious
  2. Letter of Reprimand (LOR): Any behavioral misconduct, malicious action, or egregious act that could be categorized as a willful attempt to violate the R&R handbook or Olympus server rules intentionally
Grounds for administrative action
  1. Documented Counseling
    • Medics shall receive a 3-30 day suspension/removal upon the issuance of the third Documented Counseling
    • Medics that accrue 6 Documented Counselings will be dismissed from the R&R
  2. LOR
    • Medics shall receive a 3-30 day suspension/removal for each LOR issued
    • Medics that accrue 3 LOR's will be dismissed from the R&R
Civilian Bans
  1. Medics who accumulate multiple bans can be dismissed from the R&R. The length of the removal depends on the number and severity of the bans issued
  2. RDM, VDM, RVD, NLR: 1 week per ban
  3. Exploit, Fail RP, Combat Log: 2 weeks per ban
  4. Harassment, Hacking, Mass RDM: Blacklist
Senior Encounters
  1. If you are confronted by a senior medic about a situation that occurred, be respectful, and listen to what they have to say. Depending on the situation, they may be there just to counsel you
  2. Senior medics are expected to practice all Professional Standards of the R&R when resolving situations
  3. Senior R&R members are tasked with reporting any volatile situations involving the R&R to the rest of the team and may do so at any time
  4. If an Off-Duty Senior R&R member encounters a medic breaking the rules, they should bring it to the attention of another online Senior R&R member and take any necessary action with them if possible
Grounds for Dismissal/Blacklisting
  1. Providing false or inaccurate information on an R&R application
  2. Cheating during any R&R testing process
  3. Using any other chat (Discord, Different TeamSpeak, etc.) besides the appropriate TeamSpeak Channels
  4. Receiving 6 Documented Counsellings within 30 days
  5. Receiving 3 Letters of Reprimand during your career
  6. Any egregious or malicious act
  7. Harassment (ANY SETTING)
  8. Toxic behavior in-game or on the forums
  9. Trolling in the game or on forums
  10. Disrespectful behavior in the game or on the forums
  11. Using a firearm while on duty. The flare gun is exempt
  12. RDM, VDM, RVD, or NLR while on duty
  13. Exploiting, Fail RP, or combat logging while on duty
  14. Insubordination
  15. Meta-gaming

Chapter XVII - Executive Decision

If at any point the Director feels the policies outlined above prevent them from fulfilling their duties in resolving a situation, they reserve the right to supersede the R&R Handbook
  1. A member of the opposing group will be notified that the handbook has been superseded