R&R Post Interview
Congratulations and welcome to the Rescue and Recovery! You will start at the rank of EMT and work your way up through the ranks by meeting certain hour requirements as well as TIG requirements. To start you off as an EMT, you will have access to an SUV, Hatchback, and an Ambulance. As you progress through the ranks, you will earn access to new vehicles and uniforms. To find out what you have access to, you can reference R&R Vehicles and Items & Clothing.
To keep your status within the ranks of the R&R, you must maintain a minimum of 1 hour per week, if you will be unable to meet the 1 hour requirement, you can put in a LOA Request
Useful Links
Minimum Equipment Listing
Food, water, lollipops, fuel cans, and EpiPens can be given to civilians or APD members on a case-by-case basis when asked for or needed to help facilitate services
Communication Standards
Medics are expected to be in one of the On-duty medic channels at all times when playing on medic
- Medics have access to the following channels
- Rescue & Recovery [On-duty]
- Medic Teams 1-4
- R&R Breakroom
- APD On-duty channels
- Medics should only ever join APD On-duty channels when their presence is requested by the APD
Medics are prohibited from utilizing any other form of communication software while On-duty, even if with other medics
- This applies the same whether you are conversing with non-Arma players, fellow medics, or members of another faction
- This includes and is not limited to Discord, Skype, Steam, and any other services alike
Medics are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times whether it be In-game, Disputes, Teamspeak, Discord, or the forums
Failure to adhere to any of these rules and standards may lead up to a disciplinary action, or even removal from the R&R
Chain of Command
The Chain of Command also known as COC is how the R&R ranks the medics from lowest to highest ranks on the R&R. The ranks go from (Lowest) EMT, Basic Paramedic, Advance Paramedic, Search and Rescue, Pararescue, Supervisor, Coordinator, Director. (Highest). When playing as a medic, your CoC name MUST match your Teamspeak name. If you are unsure about your CoC name you can reference your original application or ask a Sr. Medic to check for you
Rescue & Recovery Forums
Please check the R&R forums, located below the Olympus community section, once you have access to them. Here you will see weekly promotions, weekly top 5, Medic of the Month, as well as any pertinent information and updates to the medic faction. Medics should try and check the forums at least once week to check for any updates or changes
Sr. Medics & Pararescues
Senior Medics are those with the rank of Supervisor, Coordinator, or Director. They here to ensure that the R&R team runs smoothly. Senior medics not only provide guidance but also oversee the conduct of their subordinates. For all intents and purposes, a senior medic is your in-game boss. Pararescues are trusted individuals delegated by the Senior R&R that play a similar role as Senior medics when no active senior is online, you can call them your in-game manager. If a Sr. Medic or a Pararescue gives you an order or makes a correction, you shall comply with their instructions. If you have an issue with a specific situation and/or Sr. Medic/Pararescue, send a personal message to all of the Coordinators ( this is one message with all Coords added) outlining your grievance. Do NOT post it in the R&R forums or in any other section of the Olympus forums.
Following and Understanding the Rules
Following and understanding the rules
- Once you have passed your interview, it is your job to ensure that you know and understand the rules and keep up with any rule changes. If an incident occurs, the excuse "I didn't know" will not suffice. Ignorance is not bliss and you will be punished accordingly. Failure to remain vigilant and maintain situational awareness may result in a demotion and or un-whitelisting from the R&R team if you allow yourself to enter into a bad situation. With that said, every Sr. Medic is here to help you and if you need any assistance or rule clarification we will always be happy to assist.
Stretching or Bending of Rules:
- If a rule is considered "grey" to you, get clarification first before proceeding. If you fail to seek clarification and violate a rule, you may be demoted, un-whitelisted, or blacklisted. If there is not a Sr. Medic or Admin/Moderator available to clarify the rule for you it is highly recommended that you remove yourself from the situation.
It is YOUR rank at risk. You are expected to know the Olympus Server Rules and R&R Handbook to the best of your ability to perform your medic duties. Never hesitate to reach out to the seniors or fellow medics for help
Invoices, Tips, and Services
Invoices are a way for the CIVS or APD to pay us for our services; whether it be fueling their vehicles, repair their vehicles, giving them a ride, or any other form of assisting them with their needs. Any tip or invoice must be unsolicited and not pre-planned, meaning that if someone was to message you saying they will pay you if you assist them at a Fed, that would be considered a contract and is not allowed. If there any active robbery or Federal event, you may not drive up and offer yourself as hostage. Medics should always be vigilant as to avoid being easily captured and held hostage. As lucrative as it is to be a hostage at a Federal event, your hostage takers should have to work to take you hostage. If they don't have to work for you, you are doing something wrong. Eventually, every medic will have his time to shine and render services at a robbery or Federal event. Make the most of this time to roleplay with your hostage takers. Any hostage situation is what you make of it, if you want to be miserable about it, you'll have a miserable time. But if you want to have fun with it, you will have a great time.
Altis Fire & Rescue
Keep in mind that medics should always be reviving players before responding to a fire. If a medic is already at a fire they may finish extinguishing it but must respond to medic revive calls before responding to the next fire.
- Do not use the Firefighting gear (Hose and Axe) as a weapon and attempt to spangle or kill another player as this can result in a removal and staff disciplinary action.
DP Missions
You can do medical DP mission’s by going to a hospital, going to the medical NPC inside the hospital and hit “get delivery mission” and it will tell you where to deliver the mission to for some extra cash
- The farther you have to travel, the more you get paid
- DP missions can either be completed in a ground vehicle or in an aerial vehicle
DO NOT redeploy repeatedly to get a good DP mission as its exploiting and can result in a REMOVAL AND STAFF DISCIPLINARY ACTION
Dope Crates
Dope Crates or Medical Crates are reserved for the ranks of Search & Rescue+
When you get Search and Rescue or you are a returning medic into the rank of Search and Rescue you will have the option to deliver medical crates. Be sure to read all of the rules in the handbook, refer to Chapter: 4 Section: 4
- Dope crates should NOT be dropped in Warzone from 9PM EST to After the weekend warzone airdrops are finished. Weekend Airdrops happen every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at 9PM EST.
Medic Interaction Guide
Revive and EMS Notifications
- Each request will appear in the upper right-hand corner, or other designated spot if you change your layout, of the screen as received
- Revive requests appear white on the map
- EMS request appear yellow on the map
- Revive requests are time-stamped and will tell you how long a player has been waiting for a revive. Use this information to coordinate your efforts to keep wait times as short as possible
Dispatch System Interaction
- Hit #4
- Select player, you wish to respond to (Generally oldest request first)
- Select the appropriate response (On-route)
- Update call as needed if situation changes (Denied by 3rd party, etc)
Reviving a dead player
- Only works if the dead player requests a revive
- Walk up to the deceased player and hit the left windows key
Issuing an invoice
- Walk up to a living player and hit the windows key
- After hitting windows key, click issue invoice
- Ensure the amount invoice is reasonable
Checking vehicle Registration
- Walk up to a vehicle and hit the left windows key
- After hitting the windows key select “Registration”
Repairing a damaged vehicle
- Walk up to a damaged vehicle and hit the left windows key
- Check registration of the vehicle and ensure owner wants vehicle repaired
- After hitting the windows key select “repair”
Getting in a vehicle
- You do not need to unlock vehicles to get in or out of them
- With that in mind, don't abuse that to get out if you are taken hostage.
Re-Deploying via Hospital NPC
- A medic may redeploy(teleport) to any hospital on the map by interacting with the front desk NPC at the hospital or any Clinic NPC.
- Medics should not use this feature to avoid combat.
- If caught doing so, they may be subjected to disciplinary action.
Towing a vehicle (Basic Paramedic +)
- Check registration of vehicle first!
- Announce to the owner that the vehicle will be towed if not moved
- Attach tow hooks via Y-menu or use the scroll wheel option once properly aligned with the vehicle
Useful Keystrokes
- Shift + L = Emergency lights
- F = Primary Siren
- Shift + F = Secondary Siren
- G = Emergency Horn
- O = Open Bar Gates Remotely
- Shift+F7= fix clothing (if bugged)
- F5 = Personal Timer
- Administer Dopamine by walking up to a living player and hitting left windows key on the player then click “Give Dopamine”
- This may also be set to a keybind in the keybinds menu in the Y-menu
- Players needing dopamine will have it under their nametag.
- Road kit (Traffic Control Devices)
- EMT+
- Access via keybinds menu in your Y menu or custom action key #15
- Select # of the desired item and hit the windows key to confirm placement
- Use the window key to pick up traffic control when finished
- Repair walls, trees, and buildings by going to your Y menu > Settings > “KeyBinds menu” at the top then find *R&R* Repair Object. And set it to what ever you like!
- Medic Buddy System is activated by pressing Windows Key on another medic and selecting “Buddy Up”. Pay will be split 50/50 between the participating medics when activated. This is a work in progress so you may need to re-buddy someone if death occurs or if you revive someone over 2 km from your buddy.
Useful Tips
- As a new EMT, please make an effort to leave the city of Kavala when necessary. It can be a pain to drive 5+ Km to a request but make an effort. Medic should NOT sit in the square and loiter around town while there are active requests. The only time as an EMT that you should not make an effort at all is if you are the only medic on, and all available calls are in illegal areas, and you can’t find an APD member to escort you in. Do NOT go into an illegal area as an EMT by yourself. Find a higher up or an APD member to escort you in. If you are the only medic on, deny the player. If they have an issue, ask them to meet you in support, and you can explain why you could not get to them.
- You are NOT allowed to text APD and give locations of civilians except in situations explained below, the only time that you are ever to report activity to the APD is when it is a situation that directly affects you, like when being shot at, or it becomes obvious that you are about to be taken, hostage. If you are in Danger, do text APD and tell them that there are civilians in a location, remember we are a neutral faction.
- However you ARE to report suspicious activity around the Federal Reserve, Blackwater Facility, Jail, Evidence Lockup, or Bank without being threatened
- NLR as a medic is critically important. Make sure you understand and follow NLR. If you are in a situation where you think that you may have NLR, respawn at another hospital and stay out of the area where you died.
- VALUE YOUR LIFE AT ALL TIMES. If you hear “Hands up or die” put your hands up. If the player that made the demand did not mean it for you, they generally make it clear that the engagement was not for you. If someone has denied a player and threatened your life deny the player by 3rd party and move on. If the denied player is still requesting 5 minutes later, go and check out the area. If the area is clear and there is no obvious threat around, you may make an effort to get the revive. Be smart when making this decision.
- Reviving a player in front of an ATM can be tricky. In this situation, you should go into the first-person view and back up as much as possible. Find the part of the body that is the furthest away from the ATM and windows key on them. It can take a few tries, but you will get the hang of it --- the same thing goes for players that are within houses.
Known Bugs
- Uniform textures not loading
- Although this problem has mostly been resolved, there are still instances where your uniform will not load properly for others. On your screen you will look like you are wearing an R&R uniform; however, everyone else will see you wearing something else. When this is brought to your attention, you are required to press “Shift+F7” to reload your uniform
- Spawning on debug island and or with a gun
- Although rare, it is possible to spawn on debug island and or with a full combat loadout. If this happens, you must return to the lobby and rejoin the server. Do not under any circumstances fire the weapon or wander around on the island/rest of the server . If you get caught doing either you will be permanently removed from the R&R.
- Off-road getting stuck
- If you enter your off-road and it gets stuck simply throw a chem light at it or jump on the hood. Either will fix the issue and allow you to get underway.
- Disconnected dead players
- Revive requests don't always disappear when a player disconnects after requesting a revive. If you complete a revive and nothing happens, the player is disconnected from the server. When this occurs mark the body on the map under group chat to notify other medics that the person is beyond saving. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REVIVE THE PERSON AGAIN! Each time you revive them, it takes money out of their account. If you are caught, your account will be wiped, and you will be removed from the R&R.