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This page serves as an extension of the official [[Altis_Life_Rules | rules]], providing additional explanations, examples, and clarifications to ensure all players fully understand the community's expectations.
While the official rules outline the fundamental dos and don’ts, this supplement expands on those principles with practical scenarios, common misconceptions, and best practices. It is not meant to replace the official rules but rather to assist players—both new and experienced—in navigating the nuances of roleplay and fair gameplay.
If any contradictions arise between this page and the official ruleset, the official rules take precedence. Always refer to the primary rules page for authoritative guidance.
By following these expanded guidelines, players can engage in more immersive roleplay experiences, reduce misunderstandings, and contribute to a more enjoyable environment for everyone.
=='''Chapter 2: No Random Death Match [RDM]'''==
Random Death Match (RDM) refers to killing another player without prior roleplay engagement.
Proper roleplay Engagement is generally, but is not required to be, a demand followed by a threat. As long as both parties understand there is engagement, the engagement is valid. It must be reasonably clear who a player is engaging and that it is engagement and not a troll or a joke. Engaging one person at the Platinum mine might not require a name because there is only one person there, so it is clear who is being engaged, while an engagement in Kavala Square may require a name or description because it may not be clear which target of many nearby players is being engaged.
==== Examples ====
*"Hands up or die"
*"Dont Revive [OS]"
*"Get out of the car or be shot"
*"Land or be Titaned"
*"Milo Hands up or Die"
*"Everyone Hands up or Die"
*[https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Dsdhdskhask#Warning_Shots Warning shots] at a helicopter to leave the area
==== Common Misconceptions====
*Saying Hands up or Die, then tasing is not necessarily RDM or Fail RP. As long as the engagement is reasonable, and players aren't being repeatedly deceptive when engaging, it is OK.
=== Hostile Action ===
Hostile action is an action that intentionally directly harms a player.
*Being shot at, lockpicking/stealing your vehicle, rotor tapping, bolt cutting, active APD warrants, APD house raids/searches, shooting you with a flare gun, physically interacting with your hostages, and purposely blowing up your property using explosives.
*Being armed/pointing a gun in your general direction and/or verbally insulting are NOT considered hostile actions. Neither is ramming/running over someone, whether or not you believe it is intentional.
===Group/Gang tags===
Group and Gang tags usually have 3-4 characters separated by a delimiter before a player's name. The server generally handles these when creating or joining a group or gang. Common delimiters are '- | [] {} ()'. Gang/Group tags must be sufficiently different to distinguish different groups. Using similar tags to 'hobo' engage is not allowed. Using another group's tags is acceptable if they are sufficiently different and are not used to create improper engagements. [Gang] and |OGang| are examples of acceptable tags.
[Medic] is not considered a group or gang tag because medics have little to no offensive capabilities and are generally not expected to communicate to the same degree as the APD or a gang. To engage all medics, players should text RNR services.
===Reaction Time===
After a demand is made, a reasonable amount of time must be given to react and fulfill the demand before the consequence of not fulfilling the demand can be enacted. The absolute minimum is 5 seconds and generally applies to simple commands like "Hands up or die" more complicated demands, or demands requiring additional time to comply before shooting. Clear non-compliance voids the requirement to wait.
*with normal "Hands up or Die" engagement, players should give at least 5 seconds for compliance
*Using long titan texts or universal texts that include instructions for on-foot,  vehicles, helicopters, and jets, all-in-one text messages should be given extra time to read and complete the actions listed. The additional time depends on the text's length and the demanded action.
*planes take a long time to land; demanding a jet or plane land would require a significant amount of time and space to be allowed to fulfill the demand, making it difficult to successfully engage a plane this way. A more sensible demand may be something like 'Make small circles around Air hospital or be titaned" or "Fly North and don't return or be titaned"
*Some vehicles, like the Orca or Planes, have an animation to exit. When demanding someone put their hands up in one of these vehicles, extra time must be given to allow for the exit animation to be completed.
Non-compliance with an engagement demand waves the reaction time that must be given during an engagement. Non-compliance generally means interacting in a way that is directly opposed to the command given but does not necessarily include continuing an already underway action.
*A player turning to point a gun at a player who told them to put their hands up is non-compliant.
*A player starting to drive/run away after being told to put their hands up is non-compliant.
*A player already driving away after being told to put their hands up must be given an appropriate reaction time and time to slow down before being considered non-compliant. 
*A player not doing anything after being told to put their hands up is not considered non-compliant in this context. The appropriate reaction time must be given before shooting.
===Warning Shots===
Warning shots are three distinct shots near an air vehicle without a suppressed weapon. Warning shots that hit or disable the vehicle are considered invalid. Warning shots are a demand not to land and to leave the area immediately. If the pilot continues landing after a reasonable reaction time, doesn't leave the area, or returns to the area within a 5-minute engagement timer, the demand is not met, so the pilot may be shot.
Warning shots are never valid against ground units or already landed aerial vehicles.
===Engagement Area===
All parties involved in an engagement should be reasonably aware an engagement occurred. Because of this, text engaging someone on the opposite side of the map from the person a player intends to fight is inappropriate. Always try to send engagements to someone who will be present in the situation. We make the assumption that group members will communicate with their members that an engagement occurred.
Engagements are typically carried out in a 1km area. However, certain situations can move or extend this area, such as a car chase, a Titan launcher used on an aerial vehicle, clear intent to support an engagement, or multiple people fighting. The key component will be the reasonableness of both parties knowing they can be killed.
*A fight between [OS] and [Evil] breaks out at the Weed processor. Members of [OS] and [Evil] at Kavala Square are not part of the same situation and should not kill each other. If members of [OS] and [Evil] are clearly heading to Weed Processor to support their gangmates in the engagement, they would then be considered part of the engagement and could be killed.
*Masonn sends a Titan text message to David. David and Masonn are 2km apart. It is acceptable for Mason to titan David beyond the typical 1km range.
*The APD are fighting [OS] in Sofia, and Officer Rexo sees an [OS] member in Athira Rexo must still engage because the two situations are considered separate.
*The APD engages [OS] in Therisa, and results in a vehicle pursuit that ends near Gravia. All [OS] and APD members in Gravia and the surrounding area are engaged because the engagement moved with the pursuit.
===Death ends Engagement===
As long as one tagged member of each engaged group is alive in the area where an engagement is occurring, recently revived players can be shot.
===Excessive Tasing===
Any tasing/downing more than is reasonably necessary for the situation is excessive. Generally, the rule of thumb is three tazes. If there is no intention to continue a situation, a second tase may be considered excessive; likewise, if a 4th tase is needed to secure a player who may have been far away from the initial tase, it is acceptable.
*Tasing someone six times because your friend is going to Vigilante outpost to get zip ties is excessive.
*Tasing someone three times and then shooting them with a lethal sidearm you had the whole time is excessive.
*Tasing someone four times while you run across a field to restrain them is acceptable.
*Tasing someone five times during an active fight when you can't reach the tased player without being shot is acceptable.
===Code 3 Engagement===
Code 3 is both active lights and sirens on a police vehicle. If a player can hear the Code 3 vehicle, they are allowed to shoot the police. It is worth noting that Medic sirens and APD sirens are identical. It is important that the sirens come from an APD vehicle for it to be an APD engagement. If a police vehicle is Code 3 following or approaching a civilian to initiate a stop, and the civilian evades in a vehicle, a police chase has been started, and the police are engaged with the civilian.
Sometimes, when fighting, unintended casualties will occur. These are generally acceptable as long as they are unintended or unavoidable.
*If someone walks in the middle of an active gunfight and is shot accidentally, would be acceptable crossfire.
*Someone standing in front of an intended target would be acceptable crossfire.
*Repositioning to 'line up' a crossfire situation would still be RDM.
*Using an explosive on an intended target and accidentally killing others nearby would be acceptable crossfire.
=='''Chapter 3: No Vehicular Manslaughter or Random Vehicle Destruction [VDM][RVD]'''==
Vehicles should not be used to repeatedly run someone over (often called 'spangle') and then kill them or gain an unfair advantage in combat. Vehicles should not be used to repeatedly run a player over. When intentionally hitting someone or something with your vehicle, you are responsible for any damages.
*Running someone over and then leaving the area is fine
*Running someone over and then waiting for them to reset and engage/fight is allowed.
*Running someone over and killing them immediately after they regain control of their character is VDM.
*Killing someone who has run themselves over is not VDM.
*Killing someone when a player doesn't know who ran them over might be VDM.
*Accidentally running into a vehicle causing an explosion is not VDM
*Intentionally stopping in front of, cutting off, or ramming a vehicle, causing an explosion is VDM.
===Random Vehicle Destruction===
Vehicles should never be a primary target with the goal of destruction. A player/driver/pilot should always be the intended target. Blowing up a vehicle without another allowed goal, like killing a player or accessing a required federal event, is against the rules.
*Triggering an explosive on a vehicle with no players nearby is RVD.
*Triggering an explosive on a vehicle and killing a nearby engaged player is allowed.
*RPGing a landed Ghosthawk with no nearby players is RVD.
*Accidentally blowing up a helicopter while trying to flip it over to lockpick and steal is allowed.
*Shooting a Vehicle with no driver until it blows up is RVD.
*Ramming a vehicle blocking an entrance is NOT RVD
==Chapter 4: New Life Rule==
If a player dies and respawns, they can not return within 1km from where they died for 15 minutes unless one of the noted exceptions applies. Being revived does not count as dying for this rule. Players are not required to 'forget' their past life and can interact with a previous 'life' as long as they don't return within a 1km radius of their death.
===Exceptions to NLR===
*Arma Bugs
*Being a member of the APD
*RNR specific NLR Rules
*Lethaled by a cop at Rebel Outposts, APD Escorts, or Gang Base.
===Examples where NLR Still Applies===
*Crashed a Vehicle
*Chose to respawn
*Superjumped during combat
==Chapter 5: No Combat Logging==
Combat logging is purposely avoiding combat or its consequences through death, respawning, or storing a vehicle.
*Storing a vehicle because a player believes they are about to be engaged is Combat Logging.
*Jumping off a building after being engaged is Combat Logging.
*Shooting at a player with an armed vehicle and then storing it is combat logging.
*Storing and re-pulling an armed vehicle to refill ammo is combat logging.
*purposefully disconnecting internet connection, Alt+F4ing, or purposefully causing a client to kick while in combat is Combat Logging. It is highly suggested to record and try to reset a situation if one of these occurs accidentally.
*Storing items in a house is never combat logging.
*Storing money in an ATM is never combat logging.
==Chapter 6: Meta-Gaming==
Metagaming refers to using information a player wouldn't normally have access to to gain or create an unfair situation.
*Accessing a factions 'on duty' channels in Teamspeak while not playing on that faction.
*Identifying a large illegal run as a Civilian and switching to a Police role to intercept the run.
*Calling out or indicating that a GhostHawk or other high-value vehicle is active in side chat. This includes things like "Nice Ghosthawk."
*Calling out or indicating that there is a player at a specific location in side chat. This includes things like "Way to camp Kavala Rebel"
*Using out-of-game communications like Discord to talk with other civilian players or people not playing on Olympus is not metagaming.
*Posting that there is a Ghosthawk alive in Warozone, or that [OS] is starting a large Meth run through the AAN news broadcast is not Metagaming.
PowerGaming is using roleplay to do something that would otherwise be impossible in the game itself, like gagging a player or destroying a medic's panic button. Olympus as a Lite RP server, doesn't require players to adhere to most power gaming, We do consider phrases like "I have taken your comms and GPS, and have smashed your panic button" Valid powergaming, any communication or sharing of situational information out of game or outside of direct chat after being given this demand as a hostage is metagaming.
Other Powergaming like 'using gags' or 'gluing a medic's feet to the floor' are not required to be roleplayed, but if not adhered to may be a valid reason to be killed.
*After being told your panic button coms and GPS have all been destroyed, telling your friends in Discord where you are is against the rules.
*After being told you have been gagged, continuing to talk is allowed, but you can be killed for disobeying.
==Chapter 7: Explosive Items==
This chapter specifies the use of specific explosive items.
===Scuicide Vests===
Outside of redsoznes and terror situations, Scuicide vests follow all normal RP rules, including [https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Dsdhdskhask#Roleplay/Engagement Engagement], [https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Dsdhdskhask#Examples_7 RVD] Hostage Situations, and to some extent [https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Dsdhdskhask#Examples_9 Combat Logging]. Players should roleplay situations with a suicide vest with these other rules in mind.
*Yelling 'Allah Akbar' then detonating an explosive is not a valid engagement or Roleplay.
*Detonating a suicide vest to intentionally destroy vehicles is still RVD.
*Intentionally killing your friend in restraints is still considered Fail RP.
*Blowing up your vehicles or killing yourself to avoid being taken hostage or into custody without RP is still combat logging.
*Roleplaying a hostage situation with the APD using a suicide vest or threatening to blow yourself up if anyone enters your gas station robbery is valid roleplay.
*telling everyone nearby to put their hands up or be blown up is valid RP.
Using the lock function to fire a Titan missile at an aerial vehicle outside of a red zone requires sending the pilot a Titan text message before firing. Using a Titan missle without the lock functionality follows normal engagement rules, similar to an RPG. Titan text messages allow an entire gang/group to titan a single aircraft/pilot. Titan text messages to not allow the sending group to titan all members of the receiving group, only the texted pilot/aircraft. The Pilot of the aircraft must receive the Titan text message.
[https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Dsdhdskhask#Reaction_Time Reaction times] must be considered when using a Titan. If you are shot at by an aerial vehicle, only the players who have been shot at are allowed to return fire with a lock on titan without a titan text message. Titans can be used without a titan text when both the pilot and Titan Launcher are in a red zone (Medics should still be titan engaged in redzones). Changing pilots does not nullify a titan text; the vehicle can still be titaned after changing pilots, assuming demands were not followed.
Example Texts:
*Land or be Titaned
*Land or be Titaned by [OS]
*Auto hover or be Titaned
*Fly North or be Titaned
*Fly in circles or be Titaned
Example Situations:
*Sending a titan text to a pilot, waiting 10 seconds for the pilot to comply, then titaning if they do not comply is allowed.
*Sending a titan text to a pilot, waiting 10 seconds for the pilot to comply, then your gangmate titaning if they do not comply is allowed.
*Sending a titan text to a pilot gangmate, waiting 10 seconds for the pilot to comply, then titaning if they do not comply is not allowed.
*Telling someone Hads up or die, then shooting them with a non-locked titan missle is allowed.
*Titaning the APD flying in Warzone without a text message is allowed.
*Titaning a Medic flying in Warzone without a text message is prohibited.
==Chapter 8: Hostage / Player Robbing==
Hostage / Player Robbing is when a player is held against their will and either robbed of their vehicles, items or gear, arrested through the APD/Vigilante system, or used in negotiations. Players can do one of the three (Rob, Arrest, Negotiate) but not multiple.
*Players that have been tased and restrained are considered hostages.
*Players that have their hands up and have been listening to commands are loosely considered hostages.
*Players that surrender themselves to vigilantes or the APD are considered hostages.
===Safe Release===
Hostage takers should make every effort to release a hostage safely unless they have a reason stated in the rules allowing them to kill the hostage. In either scenario, the hostage must be released within 15 minutes unless they choose to stay longer. The 15-minute timer starts when the player is restrained; however, attempting to extend the time a player is a hostage by refusing to restrain a hostage may be grounds for a rule skirting ban. A safe release means being unrestrained, within 1km of a garage or their initial restraint, and healed so they aren't limping(If the hostage is limping because their kidney was stolen and not because of their health, that is fine). Arresting a player is considered a safe release. The auto-unrestraint is not considered a safe release. If there is some reason a hostage taker cannot release the hostage safely, a safe release is not required. Abandoning a hostage with the intent to return before the auto-unrestraint but failing to do so will be considered an unsafe release.
*Robbing a player and healing them with a First Aid Kit, then releasing them in the vicinity where they were restrained is a safe release
*Robbing a player, then shooting them without a valid reason, is not a safe release.
*Arresting a player is a Safe release
*Taking a player hostage and then releasing them for your group/gang to kill, or telling a vigi they can have the player afterward, is not a safe release.
*Failing to release a hostage because the hostage's gangmate killed you is not a bannable offense.
*Failing to release a hostage because you left the hostage alone and got killed by someone else is a bannable offense.
===Killing A Hostage===
Certain situations allow a hostage taker to kill a hostage, such as failed APD negotiations, sufficient RP reasons, or failure to comply with basic commands. Otherwise, players in restraints should not be killed.
*Telling a player they must empty their entire bank account, or they will die is NOT a valid reason to kill a hostage.
*Telling a player they must die for a valid and sufficient roleplay reason, E: sacrificing a player to the Great Tree as part of a gang ceremony, is fine
*[https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Dsdhdskhask#PowerGaming PowerGaming] Like, saying you have been gagged, and a player continuing to talk is a valid reason to kill a hostage.
*Telling a player not to talk or die is valid.
*Telling a player to sing the alphabet backward is NOT a valid reason to kill a hostage.
*If the APD have been contacted and do not show up for negotiations or fail to meet a demand, hostages can be killed. Timelines for negotiations need to be reasonable.
===Hostage Crossfire===
Occasionally, a hostage may be killed accidentally during a fight. While, generally, hostages should not be killed without a specified reason, accidents happen and are allowable.
*Shooting at a player escorting someone and accidentally killing a hostage is acceptable.
*Accidentally shooting a hostage while trying to kill a nearby player is acceptable.
*Killing a hostage in a car while trying to kill a non-hostage player in the car is acceptable.
*Repositioning to 'line up' a crossfire situation still Fail RP.
*Killing a player in restraints to get them out of restraints is Fail RP.
*Using a [https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Dsdhdskhask#Scuicide_Vests suicide vest] to kill a player in restraints can still be fail RP.
===Taking the APD hostage===
The APD can be taken hostage by outnumbering them by a ratio of 3-to-1. Players taking the APD hostage must make it clear that they intend to take the officer hostage and that they have a ratio of 3-to-1 armed civilians to police with weapons pointed at the cops. Generally, this is done by saying "3 to one" to a police officer, which engages the APD identically to "Hands up or Die". The APD must cooperate with a 3 to 3-to-1 ratio unless they have a tactical advantage. Once an officer is taken hostage, they can be robbed, negotiated, or killed, following normal hostage rules.
APD officers responding to or in the aftermath of a Federal Event or as the negotiator for a Hostage Situation cannot be taken hostage. APD members are considered to be responding if they are traveling to one of these scenarios or are releasing prisoners before responding to a scenario. If an officer chooses to continue processing a prisoner, respond to a different situation, or continue an active situation, they can be taken hostage. If an officer is in an ongoing engagement when the event begins, they can still be taken hostage. An officer defending themselves in a new situation while en route to a federal event or hostage negotiation does not allow them to be taken hostage.
===Taking the RnR hostage===
The RNR can be taken hostage similarly to any civilian and does not need a ratio of 3-to-1. Medics must always value their lives and have some added requirements for how they must act while hostage. Medics cannot be robbed, demanded to drop gear/items, or required to unlock their vehicles. However, they can still be used in negotiations or forced to provide or deny medical services to a specific group or individual for 15 minutes or the length of a federal event. Only a certain number of medics are allowed to be taken hostage for federal events. Medics who are in a Civilian gang should not be taken hostage by that gang while they are on duty.
==Chapter 9: Worker's Protection License (WPL)==
Workers' Protection License holders are normal civilians; the only rule change is that the server will not allow them to harvest illegal items. A WPL holder can still process illegal items, rob players, fight the APD, and generally do anything a non-WPL civilian can. For non-rule information on WPL go HERE.
==Chapter 10: Vigilante==
Vigilante License holders are normal civilians and can rob, negotiate, and generally do everything a non-vigilante civilian can do. Rules that apply only to vigilanties apply to things only Vigilantes can do.
Grouping with a wanted player doesn't stop at not being in the same literal group/gang. If two players are working together or protecting each other, they will be considered in the same 'group'.
==Chapter 11: Taxi==
Taxi License holders are normal civilians. While not driving a taxi, they can rob, negotiate, and generally do anything non-taxi civilians can do. However, a taxi driver should not assist in a hostage situation while driving a taxi, and they should not issue invoices that are not agreed upon. Taxi drivers should make every effort to take a passenger where they agreed to go. Taxi license holders are only considered Taxi drivers while operating a taxi skinned vehicle.
==Chapter 12:  Interacting with Rescue & Recovery==
==Chapter 13: Red Zone / Illegal Zone / Rebel Outposts / Warzone Island==
==Chapter 14: Blue Zones==
==Chapter 15: Federal Event==
==Chapter 16: Event-Specific Rules==
==Chapter 17: Interacting with Whitelist Training / Player Tutorial==
==Chapter 18: Miscellaneous==

Latest revision as of 18:44, 25 March 2025


This page serves as an extension of the official rules, providing additional explanations, examples, and clarifications to ensure all players fully understand the community's expectations.

While the official rules outline the fundamental dos and don’ts, this supplement expands on those principles with practical scenarios, common misconceptions, and best practices. It is not meant to replace the official rules but rather to assist players—both new and experienced—in navigating the nuances of roleplay and fair gameplay.

If any contradictions arise between this page and the official ruleset, the official rules take precedence. Always refer to the primary rules page for authoritative guidance.

By following these expanded guidelines, players can engage in more immersive roleplay experiences, reduce misunderstandings, and contribute to a more enjoyable environment for everyone.

Chapter 2: No Random Death Match [RDM]

Random Death Match (RDM) refers to killing another player without prior roleplay engagement.


Proper roleplay Engagement is generally, but is not required to be, a demand followed by a threat. As long as both parties understand there is engagement, the engagement is valid. It must be reasonably clear who a player is engaging and that it is engagement and not a troll or a joke. Engaging one person at the Platinum mine might not require a name because there is only one person there, so it is clear who is being engaged, while an engagement in Kavala Square may require a name or description because it may not be clear which target of many nearby players is being engaged.


  • "Hands up or die"
  • "Dont Revive [OS]"
  • "Get out of the car or be shot"
  • "Land or be Titaned"
  • "Milo Hands up or Die"
  • "Everyone Hands up or Die"
  • Warning shots at a helicopter to leave the area

Common Misconceptions

  • Saying Hands up or Die, then tasing is not necessarily RDM or Fail RP. As long as the engagement is reasonable, and players aren't being repeatedly deceptive when engaging, it is OK.

Hostile Action

Hostile action is an action that intentionally directly harms a player.


  • Being shot at, lockpicking/stealing your vehicle, rotor tapping, bolt cutting, active APD warrants, APD house raids/searches, shooting you with a flare gun, physically interacting with your hostages, and purposely blowing up your property using explosives.
  • Being armed/pointing a gun in your general direction and/or verbally insulting are NOT considered hostile actions. Neither is ramming/running over someone, whether or not you believe it is intentional.

Group/Gang tags

Group and Gang tags usually have 3-4 characters separated by a delimiter before a player's name. The server generally handles these when creating or joining a group or gang. Common delimiters are '- | [] {} ()'. Gang/Group tags must be sufficiently different to distinguish different groups. Using similar tags to 'hobo' engage is not allowed. Using another group's tags is acceptable if they are sufficiently different and are not used to create improper engagements. [Gang] and |OGang| are examples of acceptable tags. [Medic] is not considered a group or gang tag because medics have little to no offensive capabilities and are generally not expected to communicate to the same degree as the APD or a gang. To engage all medics, players should text RNR services.

Reaction Time

After a demand is made, a reasonable amount of time must be given to react and fulfill the demand before the consequence of not fulfilling the demand can be enacted. The absolute minimum is 5 seconds and generally applies to simple commands like "Hands up or die" more complicated demands, or demands requiring additional time to comply before shooting. Clear non-compliance voids the requirement to wait.


  • with normal "Hands up or Die" engagement, players should give at least 5 seconds for compliance
  • Using long titan texts or universal texts that include instructions for on-foot, vehicles, helicopters, and jets, all-in-one text messages should be given extra time to read and complete the actions listed. The additional time depends on the text's length and the demanded action.
  • planes take a long time to land; demanding a jet or plane land would require a significant amount of time and space to be allowed to fulfill the demand, making it difficult to successfully engage a plane this way. A more sensible demand may be something like 'Make small circles around Air hospital or be titaned" or "Fly North and don't return or be titaned"
  • Some vehicles, like the Orca or Planes, have an animation to exit. When demanding someone put their hands up in one of these vehicles, extra time must be given to allow for the exit animation to be completed.


Non-compliance with an engagement demand waves the reaction time that must be given during an engagement. Non-compliance generally means interacting in a way that is directly opposed to the command given but does not necessarily include continuing an already underway action.


  • A player turning to point a gun at a player who told them to put their hands up is non-compliant.
  • A player starting to drive/run away after being told to put their hands up is non-compliant.
  • A player already driving away after being told to put their hands up must be given an appropriate reaction time and time to slow down before being considered non-compliant.
  • A player not doing anything after being told to put their hands up is not considered non-compliant in this context. The appropriate reaction time must be given before shooting.

Warning Shots

Warning shots are three distinct shots near an air vehicle without a suppressed weapon. Warning shots that hit or disable the vehicle are considered invalid. Warning shots are a demand not to land and to leave the area immediately. If the pilot continues landing after a reasonable reaction time, doesn't leave the area, or returns to the area within a 5-minute engagement timer, the demand is not met, so the pilot may be shot. Warning shots are never valid against ground units or already landed aerial vehicles.

Engagement Area

All parties involved in an engagement should be reasonably aware an engagement occurred. Because of this, text engaging someone on the opposite side of the map from the person a player intends to fight is inappropriate. Always try to send engagements to someone who will be present in the situation. We make the assumption that group members will communicate with their members that an engagement occurred. Engagements are typically carried out in a 1km area. However, certain situations can move or extend this area, such as a car chase, a Titan launcher used on an aerial vehicle, clear intent to support an engagement, or multiple people fighting. The key component will be the reasonableness of both parties knowing they can be killed.


  • A fight between [OS] and [Evil] breaks out at the Weed processor. Members of [OS] and [Evil] at Kavala Square are not part of the same situation and should not kill each other. If members of [OS] and [Evil] are clearly heading to Weed Processor to support their gangmates in the engagement, they would then be considered part of the engagement and could be killed.
  • Masonn sends a Titan text message to David. David and Masonn are 2km apart. It is acceptable for Mason to titan David beyond the typical 1km range.
  • The APD are fighting [OS] in Sofia, and Officer Rexo sees an [OS] member in Athira Rexo must still engage because the two situations are considered separate.
  • The APD engages [OS] in Therisa, and results in a vehicle pursuit that ends near Gravia. All [OS] and APD members in Gravia and the surrounding area are engaged because the engagement moved with the pursuit.

Death ends Engagement

As long as one tagged member of each engaged group is alive in the area where an engagement is occurring, recently revived players can be shot.

Excessive Tasing

Any tasing/downing more than is reasonably necessary for the situation is excessive. Generally, the rule of thumb is three tazes. If there is no intention to continue a situation, a second tase may be considered excessive; likewise, if a 4th tase is needed to secure a player who may have been far away from the initial tase, it is acceptable.


  • Tasing someone six times because your friend is going to Vigilante outpost to get zip ties is excessive.
  • Tasing someone three times and then shooting them with a lethal sidearm you had the whole time is excessive.
  • Tasing someone four times while you run across a field to restrain them is acceptable.
  • Tasing someone five times during an active fight when you can't reach the tased player without being shot is acceptable.

Code 3 Engagement

Code 3 is both active lights and sirens on a police vehicle. If a player can hear the Code 3 vehicle, they are allowed to shoot the police. It is worth noting that Medic sirens and APD sirens are identical. It is important that the sirens come from an APD vehicle for it to be an APD engagement. If a police vehicle is Code 3 following or approaching a civilian to initiate a stop, and the civilian evades in a vehicle, a police chase has been started, and the police are engaged with the civilian.


Sometimes, when fighting, unintended casualties will occur. These are generally acceptable as long as they are unintended or unavoidable.


  • If someone walks in the middle of an active gunfight and is shot accidentally, would be acceptable crossfire.
  • Someone standing in front of an intended target would be acceptable crossfire.
  • Repositioning to 'line up' a crossfire situation would still be RDM.
  • Using an explosive on an intended target and accidentally killing others nearby would be acceptable crossfire.

Chapter 3: No Vehicular Manslaughter or Random Vehicle Destruction [VDM][RVD]

Vehicles should not be used to repeatedly run someone over (often called 'spangle') and then kill them or gain an unfair advantage in combat. Vehicles should not be used to repeatedly run a player over. When intentionally hitting someone or something with your vehicle, you are responsible for any damages.


  • Running someone over and then leaving the area is fine
  • Running someone over and then waiting for them to reset and engage/fight is allowed.
  • Running someone over and killing them immediately after they regain control of their character is VDM.
  • Killing someone who has run themselves over is not VDM.
  • Killing someone when a player doesn't know who ran them over might be VDM.
  • Accidentally running into a vehicle causing an explosion is not VDM
  • Intentionally stopping in front of, cutting off, or ramming a vehicle, causing an explosion is VDM.

Random Vehicle Destruction

Vehicles should never be a primary target with the goal of destruction. A player/driver/pilot should always be the intended target. Blowing up a vehicle without another allowed goal, like killing a player or accessing a required federal event, is against the rules.


  • Triggering an explosive on a vehicle with no players nearby is RVD.
  • Triggering an explosive on a vehicle and killing a nearby engaged player is allowed.
  • RPGing a landed Ghosthawk with no nearby players is RVD.
  • Accidentally blowing up a helicopter while trying to flip it over to lockpick and steal is allowed.
  • Shooting a Vehicle with no driver until it blows up is RVD.
  • Ramming a vehicle blocking an entrance is NOT RVD

Chapter 4: New Life Rule

If a player dies and respawns, they can not return within 1km from where they died for 15 minutes unless one of the noted exceptions applies. Being revived does not count as dying for this rule. Players are not required to 'forget' their past life and can interact with a previous 'life' as long as they don't return within a 1km radius of their death.

Exceptions to NLR

  • Arma Bugs
  • Being a member of the APD
  • RNR specific NLR Rules
  • Warzone
  • Lethaled by a cop at Rebel Outposts, APD Escorts, or Gang Base.

Examples where NLR Still Applies

  • Crashed a Vehicle
  • Chose to respawn
  • Superjumped during combat
  • RDMed/VDMed

Chapter 5: No Combat Logging

Combat logging is purposely avoiding combat or its consequences through death, respawning, or storing a vehicle.


  • Storing a vehicle because a player believes they are about to be engaged is Combat Logging.
  • Jumping off a building after being engaged is Combat Logging.
  • Shooting at a player with an armed vehicle and then storing it is combat logging.
  • Storing and re-pulling an armed vehicle to refill ammo is combat logging.
  • purposefully disconnecting internet connection, Alt+F4ing, or purposefully causing a client to kick while in combat is Combat Logging. It is highly suggested to record and try to reset a situation if one of these occurs accidentally.
  • Storing items in a house is never combat logging.
  • Storing money in an ATM is never combat logging.

Chapter 6: Meta-Gaming

Metagaming refers to using information a player wouldn't normally have access to to gain or create an unfair situation.


  • Accessing a factions 'on duty' channels in Teamspeak while not playing on that faction.
  • Identifying a large illegal run as a Civilian and switching to a Police role to intercept the run.
  • Calling out or indicating that a GhostHawk or other high-value vehicle is active in side chat. This includes things like "Nice Ghosthawk."
  • Calling out or indicating that there is a player at a specific location in side chat. This includes things like "Way to camp Kavala Rebel"
  • Using out-of-game communications like Discord to talk with other civilian players or people not playing on Olympus is not metagaming.
  • Posting that there is a Ghosthawk alive in Warozone, or that [OS] is starting a large Meth run through the AAN news broadcast is not Metagaming.


PowerGaming is using roleplay to do something that would otherwise be impossible in the game itself, like gagging a player or destroying a medic's panic button. Olympus as a Lite RP server, doesn't require players to adhere to most power gaming, We do consider phrases like "I have taken your comms and GPS, and have smashed your panic button" Valid powergaming, any communication or sharing of situational information out of game or outside of direct chat after being given this demand as a hostage is metagaming. Other Powergaming like 'using gags' or 'gluing a medic's feet to the floor' are not required to be roleplayed, but if not adhered to may be a valid reason to be killed.


  • After being told your panic button coms and GPS have all been destroyed, telling your friends in Discord where you are is against the rules.
  • After being told you have been gagged, continuing to talk is allowed, but you can be killed for disobeying.

Chapter 7: Explosive Items

This chapter specifies the use of specific explosive items.

Scuicide Vests

Outside of redsoznes and terror situations, Scuicide vests follow all normal RP rules, including Engagement, RVD Hostage Situations, and to some extent Combat Logging. Players should roleplay situations with a suicide vest with these other rules in mind.


  • Yelling 'Allah Akbar' then detonating an explosive is not a valid engagement or Roleplay.
  • Detonating a suicide vest to intentionally destroy vehicles is still RVD.
  • Intentionally killing your friend in restraints is still considered Fail RP.
  • Blowing up your vehicles or killing yourself to avoid being taken hostage or into custody without RP is still combat logging.
  • Roleplaying a hostage situation with the APD using a suicide vest or threatening to blow yourself up if anyone enters your gas station robbery is valid roleplay.
  • telling everyone nearby to put their hands up or be blown up is valid RP.


Using the lock function to fire a Titan missile at an aerial vehicle outside of a red zone requires sending the pilot a Titan text message before firing. Using a Titan missle without the lock functionality follows normal engagement rules, similar to an RPG. Titan text messages allow an entire gang/group to titan a single aircraft/pilot. Titan text messages to not allow the sending group to titan all members of the receiving group, only the texted pilot/aircraft. The Pilot of the aircraft must receive the Titan text message. Reaction times must be considered when using a Titan. If you are shot at by an aerial vehicle, only the players who have been shot at are allowed to return fire with a lock on titan without a titan text message. Titans can be used without a titan text when both the pilot and Titan Launcher are in a red zone (Medics should still be titan engaged in redzones). Changing pilots does not nullify a titan text; the vehicle can still be titaned after changing pilots, assuming demands were not followed.


Example Texts:

  • Land or be Titaned
  • Land or be Titaned by [OS]
  • Auto hover or be Titaned
  • Fly North or be Titaned
  • Fly in circles or be Titaned

Example Situations:

  • Sending a titan text to a pilot, waiting 10 seconds for the pilot to comply, then titaning if they do not comply is allowed.
  • Sending a titan text to a pilot, waiting 10 seconds for the pilot to comply, then your gangmate titaning if they do not comply is allowed.
  • Sending a titan text to a pilot gangmate, waiting 10 seconds for the pilot to comply, then titaning if they do not comply is not allowed.
  • Telling someone Hads up or die, then shooting them with a non-locked titan missle is allowed.
  • Titaning the APD flying in Warzone without a text message is allowed.
  • Titaning a Medic flying in Warzone without a text message is prohibited.

Chapter 8: Hostage / Player Robbing

Hostage / Player Robbing is when a player is held against their will and either robbed of their vehicles, items or gear, arrested through the APD/Vigilante system, or used in negotiations. Players can do one of the three (Rob, Arrest, Negotiate) but not multiple.


  • Players that have been tased and restrained are considered hostages.
  • Players that have their hands up and have been listening to commands are loosely considered hostages.
  • Players that surrender themselves to vigilantes or the APD are considered hostages.

Safe Release

Hostage takers should make every effort to release a hostage safely unless they have a reason stated in the rules allowing them to kill the hostage. In either scenario, the hostage must be released within 15 minutes unless they choose to stay longer. The 15-minute timer starts when the player is restrained; however, attempting to extend the time a player is a hostage by refusing to restrain a hostage may be grounds for a rule skirting ban. A safe release means being unrestrained, within 1km of a garage or their initial restraint, and healed so they aren't limping(If the hostage is limping because their kidney was stolen and not because of their health, that is fine). Arresting a player is considered a safe release. The auto-unrestraint is not considered a safe release. If there is some reason a hostage taker cannot release the hostage safely, a safe release is not required. Abandoning a hostage with the intent to return before the auto-unrestraint but failing to do so will be considered an unsafe release.


  • Robbing a player and healing them with a First Aid Kit, then releasing them in the vicinity where they were restrained is a safe release
  • Robbing a player, then shooting them without a valid reason, is not a safe release.
  • Arresting a player is a Safe release
  • Taking a player hostage and then releasing them for your group/gang to kill, or telling a vigi they can have the player afterward, is not a safe release.
  • Failing to release a hostage because the hostage's gangmate killed you is not a bannable offense.
  • Failing to release a hostage because you left the hostage alone and got killed by someone else is a bannable offense.

Killing A Hostage

Certain situations allow a hostage taker to kill a hostage, such as failed APD negotiations, sufficient RP reasons, or failure to comply with basic commands. Otherwise, players in restraints should not be killed.


  • Telling a player they must empty their entire bank account, or they will die is NOT a valid reason to kill a hostage.
  • Telling a player they must die for a valid and sufficient roleplay reason, E: sacrificing a player to the Great Tree as part of a gang ceremony, is fine
  • PowerGaming Like, saying you have been gagged, and a player continuing to talk is a valid reason to kill a hostage.
  • Telling a player not to talk or die is valid.
  • Telling a player to sing the alphabet backward is NOT a valid reason to kill a hostage.
  • If the APD have been contacted and do not show up for negotiations or fail to meet a demand, hostages can be killed. Timelines for negotiations need to be reasonable.

Hostage Crossfire

Occasionally, a hostage may be killed accidentally during a fight. While, generally, hostages should not be killed without a specified reason, accidents happen and are allowable.


  • Shooting at a player escorting someone and accidentally killing a hostage is acceptable.
  • Accidentally shooting a hostage while trying to kill a nearby player is acceptable.
  • Killing a hostage in a car while trying to kill a non-hostage player in the car is acceptable.
  • Repositioning to 'line up' a crossfire situation still Fail RP.
  • Killing a player in restraints to get them out of restraints is Fail RP.
  • Using a suicide vest to kill a player in restraints can still be fail RP.

Taking the APD hostage

The APD can be taken hostage by outnumbering them by a ratio of 3-to-1. Players taking the APD hostage must make it clear that they intend to take the officer hostage and that they have a ratio of 3-to-1 armed civilians to police with weapons pointed at the cops. Generally, this is done by saying "3 to one" to a police officer, which engages the APD identically to "Hands up or Die". The APD must cooperate with a 3 to 3-to-1 ratio unless they have a tactical advantage. Once an officer is taken hostage, they can be robbed, negotiated, or killed, following normal hostage rules.


APD officers responding to or in the aftermath of a Federal Event or as the negotiator for a Hostage Situation cannot be taken hostage. APD members are considered to be responding if they are traveling to one of these scenarios or are releasing prisoners before responding to a scenario. If an officer chooses to continue processing a prisoner, respond to a different situation, or continue an active situation, they can be taken hostage. If an officer is in an ongoing engagement when the event begins, they can still be taken hostage. An officer defending themselves in a new situation while en route to a federal event or hostage negotiation does not allow them to be taken hostage.

Taking the RnR hostage

The RNR can be taken hostage similarly to any civilian and does not need a ratio of 3-to-1. Medics must always value their lives and have some added requirements for how they must act while hostage. Medics cannot be robbed, demanded to drop gear/items, or required to unlock their vehicles. However, they can still be used in negotiations or forced to provide or deny medical services to a specific group or individual for 15 minutes or the length of a federal event. Only a certain number of medics are allowed to be taken hostage for federal events. Medics who are in a Civilian gang should not be taken hostage by that gang while they are on duty.

Chapter 9: Worker's Protection License (WPL)

Workers' Protection License holders are normal civilians; the only rule change is that the server will not allow them to harvest illegal items. A WPL holder can still process illegal items, rob players, fight the APD, and generally do anything a non-WPL civilian can. For non-rule information on WPL go HERE.

Chapter 10: Vigilante

Vigilante License holders are normal civilians and can rob, negotiate, and generally do everything a non-vigilante civilian can do. Rules that apply only to vigilanties apply to things only Vigilantes can do.


Grouping with a wanted player doesn't stop at not being in the same literal group/gang. If two players are working together or protecting each other, they will be considered in the same 'group'.

Chapter 11: Taxi

Taxi License holders are normal civilians. While not driving a taxi, they can rob, negotiate, and generally do anything non-taxi civilians can do. However, a taxi driver should not assist in a hostage situation while driving a taxi, and they should not issue invoices that are not agreed upon. Taxi drivers should make every effort to take a passenger where they agreed to go. Taxi license holders are only considered Taxi drivers while operating a taxi skinned vehicle.

Chapter 12: Interacting with Rescue & Recovery

Chapter 13: Red Zone / Illegal Zone / Rebel Outposts / Warzone Island

Chapter 14: Blue Zones

Chapter 15: Federal Event

Chapter 16: Event-Specific Rules

Chapter 17: Interacting with Whitelist Training / Player Tutorial

Chapter 18: Miscellaneous