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==Chapter 1: No Random Death Match [RDM]==
==Chapter 1: No Random Death Match [RDM]==
#Killing or tazing another player without any role-play will result in administrative action.
#No killing or tasing another player without roleplay.
##If you have been fired at, returning fire is permitted.
##If someone commits a direct hostile action against you or your property, you may kill/tase them.
##If someone commits a direct hostile action to you, you may kill them.
##Example: Lockpicking/stealing your vehicle, rotor tapping, bolt cutting, active APD warrants, APD house raids/searches, shooting you with a flare gun, physically interacting with your hostages, purposely blowing up your property using explosives.
##Example: Being armed/pointing a gun in your general direction and/or verbally insulting are NOT considered hostile actions, neither is ramming/running over someone whether or not you believe it is intentional.
##You may freely shoot anyone who has your gang/group member hostage/restrained.
##You may freely shoot anyone who has your gang/group member hostage/restrained.
#You may use gang/group tags to engage in role-play.
#Gang/Group tags are used when engaging in roleplay. This also applies to the APD but not the R&R.
##If [A] John says hands up or die to [X] Hairy, then all of [A] is engaged with all of [X] and each gang is KOS to each other in that area and for wherever the engagement goes until it's over. (5 minutes pass without engagement/shooting). (Keep in mind, gang members need to actually have gang tags in their name for them to be engaged, and, if you choose to wear gang tags, they MUST be displayed at the front of your name.)
##APD and R&R dispatch can be used to engage all faction members.  
##Example: Engagement happens in Sofia, all [A] and [X] in Sofia are engaged. All [A] and [X] who enter Sofia afterwards are engaged. If the firefight moves from Sofia to rescue without intermission, then it's still a free for all for [A] and [X].
#When roleplay engaging, you must specify who you are engaging and give the player(s) time to read (text message/dispatch) and react (At least 5 seconds)
##This also applies to police. If you engage a cop, all cops are engaged with you. If you are in a tagged gang, anyone in your tagged gang who is actively in the situation is engaged with the cops. If you are engaged with cops and the engagement is around an HQ, you CAN kill cops as they spawn in until the engagement is over. Likewise, they can also immediately fire at you/your gang when they spawn in.
##If someone reacts in a way that is compliant with your demand (Such as stopping their vehicle to get out), you must allow them to complete their reaction, even if it takes longer than 5 seconds.
##You CAN engage cops via 911 dispatch if you please. (Ex: Send 911: Hands up or die by X gang)
##If someone reacts in a non-compliant fashion (Such as turning to aim at you or immediately taking evasive action), then you may shoot them before 5 seconds.
#When engaging role-play, you must specify who you are engaging and give the player(s) time to read (Text message) and react (at least 5 seconds).
##You do not need the name of the player(s) to engage verbally, but it must be clear who you are trying to engage on.
##If someone reacts in a way that is compliant with your demand (Such as stopping their vehicle in order to get out) you must allow them to complete their reaction even if it takes longer than 5 seconds.
##If someone reacts in a non-compliant fashion with your demand (Such as turning to aim at you, or immediately taking evasive action) then you may shoot them before 5 seconds.
##You do not need the name of said player(s) to verbally engage but you must clearly show who you are trying to engage.
###Example: "Dude in the house, Hands up or die", "Ryan, Hands up or die", aiming at someone and saying "Hands up or die", etc.
#If a player abides by your demands, role-play it from there do not just shoot them.
#If a player abides by your demands, role-play it from there do not just shoot them.
#Side Chat does not engage role-play. Also you can not type in direct chat to engage role-play.
#Side Chat and text direct chat can not be used to roleplay engage.
#You may open fire on another player that may be involved with a group/gang member unless it is obvious they are not part of the situation.
#Fighting must be done within a reasonable area of the engagement. The default is 1KM expanding and moving as would be reasonable.  
##Example: You're in a large fight in Sofia between your gang and another gang. Someone you don't know enters the vicinity.  You may not open fire unless this individual shows hostile intent towards you. To clarify having a weapon is not a valid reason to open fire.
#RP has a 5-minute window and is extended by hostile action.  
#RP has a 5 minute window, once engaged you are still engaged for this amount of time.
#Death ends the engagement
#Death ends the engagement.  Anyone who is revived by a medic or epi-pened must engage/be re-engaged.
##Exception: When two tagged groups are actively engaged (with a player(s) on both sides alive), tagged players of either gang that get revived are still engaged.
##Exception: When two tagged gangs are in an active engagement (with player(s) on both sides alive), tagged players of either gang that get revived whilst the engagement is still active do not need to re-engage.
#Do not excessively down/tase another player when not needed.
###Example: Gangs tagged [A] and [X] are in an active engagement, with players on each side alive. An [A] gang member gets revived. That [A] gang member does not need to re-engage any of the [X] gang members, and is considered engaged with the [X] members.
#APD Code 3 (Lights and Sirens) engages all reasonably close civilians with the APD. (If you can hear the code 3 vehicle) Evading the APD in a vehicle shortly after they code 3 engages the APD with the civilian.
#Do not excessively down/taze another player when not needed.
#Some zones and situations change engagement rules. See Red Zones/Blue Zones, RnR, and Training.  
#APD Code 3 (Lights and Sirens) engages all reasonably close civilians with the APD. (If you can hear the code 3 vehicle) Evading the APD in a vehicle shortly after they code 3, engages the APD with the civilian.

==Chapter 2: No Vehicular Manslaughter [VDM]==
==Chapter 2: No Vehicular Manslaughter [VDM]==
#Do not use vehicles to run over player unless it is an absolute last resort (Life or Death)
#Do not use vehicles to run over a player unless it is an absolute last resort (Life or Death)
#Players can not shoot another player that has been downed by a vehicle.
#Players can not shoot another player downed by a vehicle or shortly thereafter unless shot at.
#Do not ram other vehicles for no reason.
##Exception:  A player that self-spangles or is spangled by a teammate can be shot without violating VDM rules.
#If your intention is to collide with another vehicle for whatever reason (To pit, disable, immobilize, troll, etc.) that's fine. However, if you collide with a vehicle on purpose and because of the collision there is an explosion/death, then you may be found accountable and may be banned. You initiate these maneuvers at your own risk.
#Players are allowed to collide with another vehicle (To pit, disable, rotor tap, immobilize, troll, etc.). However, if you collide with a vehicle on purpose and because of the collision, there is an explosion/death, You may be found accountable and banned. You initiate these maneuvers at your own risk.
#Do not use a helicopter to ram another helicopter, ground unit or vehicle.
#Rotor tapping vehicles is something you do at your peril. If the victim of a rotor tap explodes, you may be subject to a ban for VDM. If they don't explode, good job. You did it right.

==Chapter 3: No Random Vehicle/Item Destruction==
==Chapter 3: No Random Vehicle/Item Destruction==
#Do not blow up or destroy vehicles for no reason
#Do not purposefully blow up or destroy vehicles without a reason specified in the rules.

==Chapter 4: No Combat Logging==
==Chapter 4: No Combat Logging==
#Disconnecting or aborting while in an active situation with another player is not allowed.
#Disconnecting, aborting, or purposefully killing yourself while in an active situation with another player is not allowed.
#Killing a player that is currently tased with clear intent to free the tased player from future consequences is considered fail RP.
#Killing a player who is currently tased or restrained with the clear intent to free the player from future consequences is considered Fail RP.
#Killing yourself on purpose while engaged with a player is considered combat logging/fail RP.
#Storing a vehicle while engaged with another player or within 5 minutes after combat is considered vehicular combat logging.
#Storing a vehicle while engaged with another player or within 5 minutes after combat is considered vehicular combat logging.
#Logging out or storing a vehicle specifically to avoid an obvious encounter from happening is also considered combat logging.
#Logging out, intentionally killing yourself, or storing a vehicle specifically to avoid an obvious encounter from happening is also considered combat logging.
#You may not drive a vehicle into the water to prevent it from being stolen, searched, etc.
#You may not drive a vehicle into the water to prevent it from being stolen, searched, etc.

==Chapter 5: Aviation==
==Chapter 5: Aviation==
#Warning shots may be given to air units (including the R&R) if you do not wish for them to land near your location (3 single rounds shot not directly at the air unit).
#Warning shots may be given to air units (including the R&R) if you do not wish for them to land or loiter near your location (3 single rounds shot not directly at the air unit).
## Warning shots with a suppressed weapon are invalid.
##Warning shots with a suppressed weapon are invalid.
#If a person does not fly away after given warning shots, you may then open fire on them.
#If a person does not fly away after being given warning shots, you may then open fire on them.

==Chapter 6: Do not harm [[Rescue %26 Recovery]]==
==Chapter 6: Do not harm [[Rescue %26 Recovery]]==
#Do not Interfere with R&R unless they are going against your directives.
#Do not Interfere with R&R unless they are going against your directives.
##Citizens can only order a medic to revive a deceased player who is requesting medical service.
#Citizens can only order a medic to revive a deceased player who is requesting medical service.
#Never harvest a kidney from, or rob an R&R member for any reason.
#Never harvest a kidney from, or rob an R&R member for any reason.
##Exception: R&R vehicles negligently unlocked by an R&R member may be 'stolen'.
##Exception: R&R vehicles negligently unlocked by an R&R member may be 'stolen'.
#In [https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/R%26R_Handbook#Chapter_III_-_Illegal_Zones specific zones], R&R ground units may be killed on sight.
#In specific zones, R&R ground units may be killed on sight.
##Exception: Aerial R&R units must still be engaged appropriately.
#R&R may be killed or taken hostage when following the guidelines found here.
#R&R may be killed or taken hostage when following the guidelines found [https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/R%26R_Handbook#Chapter_VIII_-_Hostage_Situations here].
#Medical services may be denied to you based on the criteria found here.  
#Medical services may be denied to you based on the criteria found [https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/R%26R_Handbook#Chapter_II_-_Denial_of_Service here].
#Please review the [https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/R%26R_Handbook R&R Master Handbook] before interacting with R&R members.

==Chapter 7: Hostage / Player Robbing==
==Chapter 7: Hostage / Player Robbing==
#A player may be taken hostage for 15 minutes, after which they may choose to stay up to another 15 minutes or leave.
#A player may be held hostage for 15 minutes, after which they may choose to stay up to another 15 minutes or leave.
##Exception: A vigilante may hold a player for longer than 15 minutes if the jail doors are open and they make their best effort to repair it.
##Exception: A vigilante may hold a player for longer than 15 minutes if the jail doors are open and they make their best effort to repair it.
#Do not kill players in restraints
#Do not kill players in restraints
##You cannot restrain someone outside of a redzone and then bring them into a redzone just to kill them. This is also FailRP.
##Exception: You may kill players who do not follow reasonable demands
##Exception: You may kill players that do not follow reasonable demands (For example, "be quiet or die" is acceptable, but playing "simon says" or asking for the alphabet backwards is not.)
##Exception: You may kill players if hostage negotiations with the APD have failed, or the APD fails to show up in a reasonable timeframe.
##Exception: You may kill players if hostage negotiations with the APD have failed, or the APD fails to show up in a reasonable timeframe.
#After a hostage situation/robbery the player must be unrestrained and released safely, healed/not limping, either within 1 kilometer of a garage or 1 kilometer from their point of restraint
#After a hostage situation/robbery, the player must be unrestrained and released safely, healed/not limping, either within 1 kilometer of a garage or 1 kilometer from their point of restraint.
##The auto-unrestraint is not considered a safe release.
##The auto-unrestraint is not considered a safe release.
#If you rob a player you may not hold them for ransom and vice versa.
#If you rob a player, you may not hold them for ransom, and vice versa.
#You may not take the same person hostage more than once every 30 minutes even through server restarts.
#You may not take the same person hostage more than once every 30 minutes, even through server restarts.
##Exception: If that person initiates engagement first and commits a hostile action towards you after taking them hostage and before the 30 minutes is up, then you may take them hostage again. This does not include the APD.
##Exception: If the person initiates engagement first and commits a hostile action toward you, you may take them hostage again. This does not include the APD.
#APD members outnumbered 3 to 1 with guns clearly pointed at them need to surrender and abide by the hostage rules.
#APD members outnumbered 3 to 1 with guns clearly pointed at them need to surrender and abide by the hostage rules.
##Exception: APD members playing the role of hostage negotiator may not be taken hostage before/during hostage negotiations.
##Exception: APD members who are acting as hostage negotiators may not be taken hostage before, during, or immediately after hostage negotiations.
#Members of the APD may not be restrained or excessively tased when responding to Federal Events, Pharmaceutical, Bank, or APD Escort events or in the aftermath of the aforementioned events.
#Members of the APD may not be restrained or excessively tased when responding to Federal Events, Pharmaceutical, Bank, or APD Escort events or in the aftermath of the events above.
##See [https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Altis_Life_Rules#Chapter_17:_Federal_Event Chapter 16] regarding the definition of Federal Events.
##Exception: APD members neutralized at Federal Events who put their hands freely may be restrained and escorted throughout the federal event area. They may not be robbed.
##Exception: APD members neutralized at Federal Events who put their hands up of their own volition may be restrained and escorted throughout the federal event area, however, they may not be robbed.
#A limited number of medics may be taken hostage per group for a Federal Event.
#A limited number of medics may be taken hostage per group for a Federal Event.
##1-3 Medics Online (Hostage Max 1)
##1-3 Medics Online (Hostage Max 1)
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==Chapter 8: [[Vigilante]]==
==Chapter 8: [[Vigilante]]==
#Vigilantes are no exception to the law. They must also follow the server rules regarding RDM, VDM etc.
#Vigilantes are no exception to the law/rules. They must follow the server rules regarding RDM, VDM etc.
#Vigilantes are not required to announce before shooting in red/illegal zones.
##The difference between a Vigilante and a Civilian is only that they can place a wanted player in jail.
##You are still able to do illegal activities, if caught, you will be dealt appropriately by the APD. Consult the [[APD Handbook]] and the [[APD Ticket Guide]] for more information.
#Players associated with “meta-gaming” while having a vigilante license may be subject to administrative action.
#Players associated with “meta-gaming” while having a vigilante license may be subject to administrative action.
##If a player has been a victim of robbery or murder, that player may not return to seek revenge and send him/her to jail.
##You may not group with a player and allow them to build a bounty just to collect on it in the end.
##You may not exchange/receive any form of compensation for sending a player to jail other than the standard bounty reward.
##You may not follow a player around who is breaking the law and continue to collect the bounty on them over and over.
##You may not follow a player around who is breaking the law and continue to collect the bounty on them over and over.
##Example a player is placed in jail, you or a member of your group break them out only so you can place them back into jail over and over.
#Do NOT take a wanted player who is already restrained away from another Vigilante and then send them to jail unless the Vigilante has asked you to.
##You may not group with a player and allow them to build a bounty just to collect on it in the end.
#A player may NOT be robbed or held for ransom and then jailed for a bounty.
##You may not exchange/receive any form of monetary compensation in relation to sending a player to jail.
#Vigilantes should never attempt to arrest an APD Detainee. If APD asks for assistanc,e that is fine but do not run into an area yelling, "I'm a vigilante," and attempt to arrest someone the officer is dealing with.
#Do NOT abuse the vigilante license.
#If you are arresting a wanted player, you are required to;
##Do NOT send players to jail with less than a $75,000 bounty.
##Do NOT take a wanted player, that is already restrained, away from another Vigilante and then send them to jail unless the Vigilante has asked you to.
##Do NOT pull players out of vehicles if a player is not wanted.
##Do NOT send people from your own gang to jail.
##You may NOT rob a wanted player and then place them in jail for a bounty.
###This includes members of your party as well.
#Vigilantes that repeatedly down another player without justifiable cause will be considered RDM and will be dealt with via administrative action.
#Downing a player to keep them down because you have no zip ties is bannable.
##If you are robbing a player outside the vigilante role it must be RP'd as normal.
##Downing a player with a bounty before announcing yourself is RDM (Side chat is not considered announcing).
##Downing a player with a bounty that is running away from you after announcing yourself is NOT RDM.
#Vigilantes can simply be put as “forces that have been rejected, denied or have yet to be accepted to the Police Force to serve justice in Altis Life”. However, they are not cops. Hence, they are only authorized to act upon subjects that have a $75,000 bounty or higher on their head. You do NOT enforce laws, that is an officer's job.
##Vigilantes may not have their weapons out in main cities just like any other Civilian. If an APD member asks a vigilante to holster their weapon, they must comply or potentially face a ticket from the APD.
##Vigilantes should never attempt to arrest an APD Detainee. If APD asks for assistance that is fine but do not run into an area yelling "I'm a vigilante" and attempt to arrest someone the officer is dealing with.
##If you are escorting a player with a bounty and an officer asks you to stop, you need to stop and explain what you are doing. Officers can NOT take the wanted player away and attempt to ticket or send the player to jail if you have captured the wanted player(s) in the appropriate manner.
###If you are wanted the APD may process you and if you refuse to pay your ticket the APD may then process all wanted players accordingly.
#If you restrain a wanted player you are required to;
##Let the player know what they are wanted for.
##Let the player know what they are wanted for.
##Let the player know their bounty amount.
##Let the player know their bounty amount.
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###These can be waved at the detainees request
###These can be waved at the detainees request
##Take the player to the jail transport located at all Vigilante outposts.
##Take the player to the jail transport located at all Vigilante outposts.

==Chapter 9: [[Terror Attack]] & [[HQ Takeover]]==
==Chapter 9: [[Terror Attack]] & [[HQ Takeover]]==
##All players are KOS inside the city that the terror was started in until the terror ends.
##All players are KOS inside the city that the terror was started in until the terror ends.
##R&R members are off limits during terror unless they have been directed not to offer services. Refer to R&R Master Handbook for more info.
##R&R members are off-limits during terror unless they have been directed not to offer services. For more information, refer to the R&R Master Handbook.
#HQ Takeover
#HQ Takeover
## All civilians and cops are KOS in and around the marked HQ
##All civilians and cops are KOS in and around the marked HQ

==Chapter 10: New Life Rule==
==Chapter 10: New Life Rule==
#If you die for any reason apart from dying by an Arma bug you may not return to that area for 15 minutes. (1 Kilometer from where you died)
#If you die for any reason apart from dying by an Arma bug you may not return to that area for 15 minutes. (1 Kilometer from where you died)
##Exception: When killed on Warzone Island or at any cartel NLR will not apply.
##Exception: When a civilian is killed on Warzone Island or at any cartel NLR will not apply.
##Exception: When lethaled by cops at Rebel Outposts, APD Escorts, or Gang Base, NLR does NOT apply.
##Exception: When a civilian is lethaled by cops at Rebel Outposts, APD Escorts, or Gang Base, NLR does NOT apply.
##Exception: Players who have the sole intention of immediately returning to Warzone after death in or around Theresa (within 1 kilometer of Theresa) may respawn in Therisa and head back to Warzone, provided their actions within or around Theresa are limited to going to the garage, spawning a vehicle and driving to Warzone.
##Exception: Players who have the sole intention of immediately returning to Warzone after death in or around Theresa (within 1 kilometer of Theresa) may respawn in Therisa and head back to Warzone, provided their actions within or around Theresa are limited to going to the garage, spawning a vehicle and driving to Warzone.
#APD may return to legal areas after death as they see fit. (This is to simulate the size of an actual police force)
#The APD does not have NLR, to simulate the size of an actual police force.
#R&R must wait 15 minutes to return to an area if killed by not following directives. (Within reason, more details in [[R&R Handbook]])
#R&R has additional NLR-exempt scenarios, which can be found in the R&R handbook.
#Some events change NLR. see Events.

==Chapter 11: Red Zone / Illegal Zone / Rebel Outposts==
==Chapter 11: Red Zone / Illegal Zone / Rebel Outposts==
#Red zones are KOS, no RP is required by Civilians. Gas Stations are never redzones. (Exception: Killing a player in restraints inside of a red zone is still considered Fail RP).
#Red zones are kill on site, and no RP engagement is required by civilians (Killing a player in restraints inside of a red zone is still considered Fail RP).
#For APD and Rebel Outposts refer to the APD Handbook
##Exception: R&R ground units must still be properly engaged in illegal zones other than the warzone island, gang base skirmishes, or active turfs. R&R aerial units always need proper engagement.
#VDM/NLR are still enforced in red zones.
#Purposefully fishing for RDM reports by standing on the outskirts of a red zone can result in administrative action.  
#Medics may only be killed inside an illegal zone if the following criteria is met, a Medic must be warned to leave the area through either an EMS text, Direct Chat, or Warning Shots before a Medic is killed. 5 seconds must be given to give the Medic enough time to leave the area. If the Medic abides by the warning and tries to leave the area then you cannot continue shooting at the Medic.
#The Warzone is a very large illegal/redzone that follows Cartel rules for all factions.

==Chapter 12: Blue Zones==
==Chapter 12: Blue Zones==
#The [[Altis Pharmaceutical]] Escort event, [[APD Escort]] event, and [[Art Gallery]] event Blue Zones allow civilians to kill cops on sight, no RP is required by civilians.
#The Altis Pharmaceutical Escort event, APD Escort event, and Art Gallery event Blue Zones allow civilians to kill cops on sight, no RP is required by civilians.
#Civilians cannot shoot other civilians on sight within Blue Zones without any role-play. RDM rules for civilian on civilian engagements is still enforced in Blue Zones.
##RDM rules for civilian on civilian engagements are still enforced in Blue Zones.
#[[APD Escort]] Event
#APD Escort Event
##The APD escort motorcade is considered KOS, no RP is required by civilians in order to interact with the APD escort event.
## Use of explosives against the APD Escort event with intent to blow up the escort vehicle is prohibited and will result in an event disruption ban.
###Exception: Use of explosives against the APD Escort event with intent to blow up the escort vehicle is prohibited and will result in an event disruption ban.
##Any civilian interacting with, interfering with, or seen participating in the APD Escort event may be shot on sight by the APD; no RP is required.
##Any civilian interacting/interfering/seen participating with the APD Escort event may be shot on sight by the APD, no RP is required.
###Example: Blocking the road in front of the APD escort event motorcade, trying to pit police escort vehicles off of the road, etc.
##APD vehicles associated with the APD escort event must use emergency lights, no sirens required.

==Chapter 13: Explosive Items==
==Chapter 13: Explosive Items==
#Suicide vests may be used at any time following normal roleplay rules. Misuse of suicide vests to kill restrained players or destroy vehicles for no reason may still result in administrative action.  If these scenarios arise action will be taken entirely at staff discretion. "Allah Akbar" or variants are NOT considered valid RP.
#Suicide vests may be used following normal roleplay rules. Misuse of suicide vests to kill restrained players or destroy vehicles may still result in administrative action.
#Suicide Vests can be used without RP in redzones/terrors.
#Suicide Vests can be used without RP in redzones/terrors.
#When using a titan on aerial vehicles the pilot must first be directly notified stating your demands and that you are using a Titan, if demands are not met (within reason) you may fire on the air unit with said titan. If a titan message is sent during an active engagement and the engagement lasts longer then 5 minutes, the player may still fire the titan at the pilot that was messaged if demands were still not met. A titan message may be sent by any tagged group/gang member to the pilot of the aerial vehicle.
#When using a Titan on aerial vehicles, the pilot must first be directly notified, stating your demands and that you are using a Titan, if demands are not met (within reason), you may Titan the aerial vehicle. If a titan message is sent during an active engagement and the engagement lasts longer than 5 minutes, the player may still fire the titan at the pilot/vehicle that was messaged if demands were not met. Any tagged group/gang member may send a titan message to the pilot of the aerial vehicle.
#Titans may be used without texts in illegal areas.
#Titans may be used without texts in illegal areas.
#Titans may also be fired at ground vehicles and other players via standard RP rules. Misuse of Titan launchers to kill restrained players or destroy vehicles may still result in administrative action. If these scenarios arise action will be taken entirely at staff discretion.
##Exception: R&R units still need proper titan engagement in redzones.
#When a player is directly fired upon by an aerial vehicle, the player may return fire with a titan without sending a text first. (Gang engagement does not apply for this rule)
#Titans may also be fired at ground vehicles and other players via standard RP rules. Misuse of Titan launchers to kill restrained players or destroy vehicles may still result in administrative action.
#When a player is directly fired upon by an aerial vehicle, the player may return fire with a titan without sending a text first. (Gang engagement does not apply to this rule)

==Chapter 14: Martial Law==
==Chapter 14: Martial Law==
#Martial Law can be called by an Admin or by a Senior APD member.
#Martial Law can be called by an Admin or by a Senior APD member.
#Martial Law may be called if a city is out of control and officers can not regain control of it.
#Martial Law may be called if a city is out of control and officers can not regain control.
#During Martial Law any civilian seen in the city can be downed and restrained on sight.
#During Martial Law, any civilian seen in the city can be downed and restrained on sight.
## Exception: Civilians in houses must be properly engaged.
##Exception: Civilians in houses must be properly engaged.
#When order has been restored an announcement will be sent stating its over.
#During Martial law all civilians are engaged with the APD.
#If you do not wish to be downed & arrested during this time, it is best to stay in doors or leave the city.
# During Martial law all civilians are engaged with the APD

==Chapter 15: Meta-Gaming==
==Chapter 15: Meta-Gaming==
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##Exception: AAN news broadcasts can contain situational information.
##Exception: AAN news broadcasts can contain situational information.
#You must wait 15 minutes before switching factions.
#You must wait 15 minutes before switching factions.
#Players can “Take a hostage comms and GPS”. After having communications and GPS taken, players may not communicate situational information outside of the game, over the radio, or in a text chat.

==Chapter 16: Federal Event==
==Chapter 16: Federal Event==
#A Federal Event is defined as: The [[Blackwater Armory]] event, [[Federal Reserve]] event, [[Altis Penitentiary]] event, or [[Evidence Lockup]] event.
# Federal Events include: The Blackwater Armory event, Federal Reserve event, Altis Penitentiary event, or Evidence Lockup event.
#Federal Event
#A federal event is considered a legal area until it is being robbed, once an event begins, the event area then turns into a red zone. (Location is shown on map)
##A federal event is considered a legal area until it is being robbed, once an event begins the event area then turns into a red zone. (Location is shown on map)
#Any vehicles left at a federal event after the event is over may be seized by the APD.
##Any vehicles left at a federal event after the event is over may be seized by the APD.
#Any vehicles involved in a federal event and followed out of the federal event may be seized if caught. See the APD handbook for more information about seizure.
##Any vehicles which were involved in a federal event and have been followed out of the federal event may be seized if/when caught.
# Additional Jail Rules
##APD must have had a constant view of the fleeing vehicle(s) from the federal event to the seizure spot.
##All other server rules still apply such as APD Wave rules, NLR, ect.
#Jail Additional Rules
##Killing jail inmates is not permitted.
##Killing jail inmates is not permitted.
##If 5 or less APD members are online during a jail break then APD are NOT required to follow the wave rules as outlined in the APD Master Handbook.
###Once 6 or more APD members are online they must then abide by the wave rule once again.

==Chapter 17: [[Taxi]]==
==Chapter 17: [[Taxi]]==
#Taxi vehicles may not be stolen
#Taxi vehicles may not be stolen
##Exception: Taxis may be stolen while inside a red/illegal zone
##Exception: Taxis may be stolen while inside a red/illegal zone
##Exception: If the driver or passenger initiates hostile activity against another player, the taxi can be stolen.
##Exception: The taxi can be stolen if the driver or passenger initiates hostile activity against another player.
###Example:  if you are flying someone around and they engage another player the vehicle can then be stolen.
###Example:  you are defending yourself from someone who has engaged with you first then the vehicle can not be stolen.  
##Exception: If you refuse to unlock a vehicle to let a player rob the items inside, your taxi may be stolen.
##Exception: If you refuse to unlock a vehicle to let a player rob the items inside, your taxi may be stolen.
#Taxi drivers may not partake in hostage-taking or robbing others
#Taxi drivers may not partake in hostage-taking or robbing others
##Example: you can not intentionally take a passenger to another group to become a hostage.
##If while driving someone, a group states to pull over so they can take the person hostage, you may abide by the demands to preserve your own life.
##If while driving someone, a group states to pull over so they can take the person hostage, you may abide by the demands to preserve your own life.
#Taxi drivers may issue a fee for driving a player from Point A to Point B
#Taxi drivers may issue a fee for driving a player from Point A to Point B
##The driver can receive this money before the drive, but the price & place must be agreed upon first.
##The driver can receive this money before the drive, but the price & place must be agreed upon first.
##Once paid the Taxi driver must take the person to the agreed-upon place.
##Once paid, the Taxi driver must take the person to the agreed-upon place.
##Taxi drivers may not issue fees unless they are giving a ride to a person and a fee amount has been agreed upon.
##Taxi drivers may not issue fees unless they are giving a ride to a person and a fee amount has been agreed upon.

==Chapter 18: [[Worker's Protection]] License (WPL)==
==Chapter 18: [[Worker's Protection]] License (WPL)==
#Workers Protection License (WPL) holders are no exception to the law. They must also follow the server rules regarding RDM, VDM etc.
#Workers Protection License (WPL) holders are no exception to the law/rules. They must follow the server rules regarding RDM, VDM etc.
##License holders with a WPL are unable to harvest illegal items as the WPL is meant for those engaged in legal enterprises.
#License holders with a WPL cannot harvest illegal items as the WPL is meant for those engaged in legal enterprises.
##License holders arrested within illegal zones are subject to search and seizure, as well as forfeiture of their right to being issued an APD ticket..
##License holders who are detained and are found to be wanted for any charge(s) other than self-defense manslaughter are subject to search and seizure, as well as forfeiture of their right to being issued an APD ticket.
#Those in possession of a WPL Weapon are subject to license checks by any APD officer.
#License holders are required to provide identification to any APD officer upon request. Failure to comply provides probable cause for an officer to conduct a search of the license holders' person.

==Chapter 19: War==
==Chapter 19: War==
#When gangs are at war, they will see their warring enemies names in red. If you are in a gang and you see someone's name in red, you may shoot them WITHOUT engagement whether they are on foot or in a vehicle. This applies to all weapons, including explosives.
#When gangs are at war, they will see their warring enemy names in red. Someone with a red name may be shot without engagement, whether on foot or in a vehicle. This applies to all weapons, including titans and explosives.
##Killing someone you are at war with while they are restrained is still considered Fail RP
##Killing someone you are at war with while they are restrained is still against the rules.  
#You will be banned if you're found abusing the system to farm war points illegitimately.

==Chapter 20: Interacting with Whitelist Training / Player Tutorial==
==Chapter 20: Interacting with Whitelist Training / Player Tutorial==
#When APD Training is occurring in game, no player is allowed to interfere with the training.
#When APD Training occurs in game, no player can interfere with the training.
##If a civilian is caught interfering with training, they will be sent straight to jail, and be subject to administrative action.
#When R&R Training occurs in-game, no player can interfere with the training. R&R training is indicated by players having [Training] in their name.
##APD officers cannot use training as a shield (they cannot take civilians they have caught into a training to avoid being attacked by other civilians)
#No player can interfere with players participating in the server's tutorial. Players participating in the tutorial are indicated with a yellow name,
##People who interfere with training may suffer a blacklist by the Senior APD
##Exception: Players participating in the tutorial with over 30 hours on the server (indicated by NOT having a yellow name) are exempt and may be initiated on/robbed.
#When R&R Training is occurring in game, no player is allowed to interfere with the training.
##Exception: Players using the tutorial to avoid an obvious situation may be initiated on/robbed.  
##If a civilian is caught interfering, they will be subject to administrative action.
##Exception: Players participating in the server's tutorial that initiate an engagement may be initiated on/robbed.  
##People who interfere with training may suffer a blacklist by the Senior R&R
##R&R training is indicated by players having [Training] in their name
#No player is allowed to interfere with players participating in the server's tutorial.
##Players participating in the tutorial are indicated with a yellow name, the tutorial itself is a step-by-step guide to doing a silver run.
##Players that start the tutorial that are currently engaged are exempt (for gang engagements, the player in question has to have participated in the engagement).
##Players that start the tutorial as a means to avoid a situation are exempt.
##Players participating in the server's tutorial that initiate an engagement are exempt.
##Exception: Players participating in the tutorial that have over 30 hours on the server (indicated by NOT having a yellow name), are exempt, and may be initiated on/robbed.

==Chapter 21: Event Specific Rules==
==Chapter 21: Event Specific Rules==
#Event rules may be modified by the staff member running the event, always follow guidelines set forth by staff broadcasts and use common sense
#Event rules may be modified by the staff member running the event, always follow guidelines set forth by staff broadcasts and use common sense
#Violation of event rules (including those specified by a staff member during an event) may result in an event disruption ban
##Warzone rules apply inside the conquest zone (no NLR, KOS, etc)
##Warzone rules apply inside the conquest zone (no NLR, KOS, etc)
##Civilians may not make use of armed aerial vehicles, slung armed vehicles, or AT vehicles
##Civilians may not make use of armed aerial vehicles, slung armed vehicles, or AT vehicles
Line 250: Line 200:
##Players may not go to conquest with the sole intention of stealing/chopping vehicles
##Players may not go to conquest with the sole intention of stealing/chopping vehicles
##Players may look through walls & floors, but may not poke their gun through to shoot.
##Players may look through walls & floors, but may not poke their gun through to shoot.
##Jumping though windows is allowed, except when the jump requires floating or vaulting to complete
##Jumping through windows is allowed, except when the jump requires floating or vaulting to complete
#Gang Base Skirmish
###Medics are not permitted to enter the conquest zone
###[https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/APD_Handbook#Chapter_XIV_-_Server_Events APD Handbook: Server Events]
###[https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/APD_Handbook#Chapter_XIV_-_SWAT APD Handbook: SWAT]
#[[Air Drop]]
##All players within the marked airdrop redzone are KOS
###[https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/APD_Handbook#Chapter_XIV_-_Server_Events APD Handbook: Server Events]
#[[Gang Base]] Skirmish
##Conquest rules apply inside the Gang Base Skirmish zone (no NLR, KOS, armed aerial vehicles, etc)
##Conquest rules apply inside the Gang Base Skirmish zone (no NLR, KOS, armed aerial vehicles, etc)
##Players may not utilize RPGs, Mines and Explosive charges/IEDS at the Gangbase Skirmish
##Players may not utilize RPGs, Mines and Explosive charges/IEDS at the Gangbase Skirmish
##Vigilantes/APD may not tase or restrain players participating in the event (this includes players spawning, gearing, or traveling in the general vicinity and nearby rebels)
##A gang's fighting force (including non-members) may not exceed 10 players.
##A gang's fighting force (including non-members) may not exceed 10 players.
##A gang that controls a Gangbase may not participate in or interfere with other skirmishes. Members of a winning gang cannot change groups or gangs to fight in multiple skirmishes or turfs.
##A gang that controls a Gangbase may not participate in or interfere with other skirmishes. Members of a winning gang cannot change groups or gangs to fight in multiple skirmishes or turfs.
##Skirmish rules related specifically to the APD and R&R can be found in the [https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/APD_Handbook APD Handbook] and [https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/R%26R_Handbook R&R Handbook]
#Gang Turfs
#[[Gang Turfs]]
##Conquest rules apply inside the Gang Base Skirmish zone (no NLR, KOS, armed aerial vehicles, etc)
##Follows the same rules as Gangbase (No Vigilantes/APD, NLR, RPGs/Mines, etc.)
##Players may not utilize RPGs, Mines, and Explosive charges/IEDS at the Gangbase Skirmish
##Limited to gangs/groups of 6 or lower
##A gang's fighting force (including non-members) may not exceed 6 players.
##Gangs that have ownership of a Gangbase may not participate or interfere with Turf Skirmishes. Gangs that own a Turf may participate in a Gangbase, if they win they cannot capture a Turf until they lose control of the Gangbase
##Gangs that have ownership of a Gangbase may not participate or interfere with Turf Skirmishes. Gangs that own a Turf may participate in a Gangbase, if they win, they cannot interfere with a Turf until they lose control of the Gangbase.

==Chapter 22: Miscellaneous==
==Chapter 22: Miscellaneous==
#The below rules/guideline are things that do not fit into other areas but still need to be followed.
#You may not destroy property to prevent it being searched/raided.
#You may not destroy property to prevent it being searched/raided.
#Extreme harassment may result in a ban.
#Extreme harassment may result in a ban.
#Switching to a different account to avoid a current ban on your account will result in both accounts being permanently banned
#Switching to a different account to avoid a current ban on your account will result in both accounts being banned.
#Anyone found to be excessively trolling in any way to ruin or impede another community member's experience may be banned
#Anyone found to be excessively trolling in any way to ruin or impede another community member's experience may be banned.
#The RP window is 5 minutes so abide by this in regards to situations such as shooting, logging out, storing vehicles, ect.
#Exploiting is considered as abusing an in-game bug or using a game mechanic in a way that is not intended to be used and may result in harsh punishments.
#Exploiting is considered as abusing an in-game bug or using a game mechanic in a way that it's not intended to be used.
##Vaulting/restraining/escorting through windows is exploiting
#You may face administrative action for violating APD and Medic rules while on duty.
#You may face administrative action for violating APD and Medic rules while on duty.
#Buying or selling any Olympus assets will result in administrative action. Assets include Olympus money, virtual/physical items and vehicles.
#Buying or selling any Olympus assets will result in administrative action. Assets include Olympus money, virtual/physical items, and vehicles.
#Usage of multiple accounts by one user at the same time in-game will result in a ban on both (or all) accounts.
#Using multiple accounts by one user simultaneously in-game will result in a ban on all accounts.
#Bypassing the house limits of 5 houses per player via the use of multiple accounts will result in administrative action.
#Bypassing the house limits of 5 houses per player via the use of multiple accounts will result in administrative action.
#Betting outside of the game server in any manner will result in administrative action
#Unsanctioned betting outside of the game server in any manner will result in administrative action.
#If an APD member witnesses a player blatantly breaking server rules a patrol officer+ can send them directly to jail for rule breaking.
#If an APD member witnesses a player blatantly breaking server rules a patrol officer+ can send them directly to jail for rule-breaking.
##If an APD member falsely arrests another player, they may face administrative action.
##If an APD member falsely arrests another player, they may face administrative action.
#Players must have in-game sound effects turned up to the point where direct voice communication from other players is audible.
#Players must have in-game sound effects turned up to the point where direct voice communication from other players is audible.
#Do not sit with an open mic playing music, yelling or other disruptive sounds as this is disruptive and makes it very hard for players to hear each other.
#Do not sit with an open mic playing music, yelling or other disruptive sounds.

Revision as of 21:02, 3 March 2025

Olympus Altis Life Rules & Guidelines

  • Not knowing the rules does not make you exempt from them.
  • If another player breaks rules it does NOT give you the right to break a rule yourself.
  • Role-Play is required in almost all situations unless noted otherwise.
  • Trying to skirt an obvious rule may still result in a ban.
  • Play the game as it is meant to, don't attempt to get around things as this will not be excused.
  • Staff reserve the right to ban players they feel are being toxic, disruptive or not playing by the spirit of the game mode.
  • Not all rules can be listed so use common sense when playing.
  • General Server rules can be found HERE.

Chapter 1: No Random Death Match [RDM]

  1. No killing or tasing another player without roleplay.
    1. If someone commits a direct hostile action against you or your property, you may kill/tase them.
    2. You may freely shoot anyone who has your gang/group member hostage/restrained.
  2. Gang/Group tags are used when engaging in roleplay. This also applies to the APD but not the R&R.
    1. APD and R&R dispatch can be used to engage all faction members.
  3. When roleplay engaging, you must specify who you are engaging and give the player(s) time to read (text message/dispatch) and react (At least 5 seconds)
    1. If someone reacts in a way that is compliant with your demand (Such as stopping their vehicle to get out), you must allow them to complete their reaction, even if it takes longer than 5 seconds.
    2. If someone reacts in a non-compliant fashion (Such as turning to aim at you or immediately taking evasive action), then you may shoot them before 5 seconds.
    3. You do not need the name of the player(s) to engage verbally, but it must be clear who you are trying to engage on.
  4. If a player abides by your demands, role-play it from there do not just shoot them.
  5. Side Chat and text direct chat can not be used to roleplay engage.
  6. Fighting must be done within a reasonable area of the engagement. The default is 1KM expanding and moving as would be reasonable.
  7. RP has a 5-minute window and is extended by hostile action.
  8. Death ends the engagement
    1. Exception: When two tagged groups are actively engaged (with a player(s) on both sides alive), tagged players of either gang that get revived are still engaged.
  9. Do not excessively down/tase another player when not needed.
  10. APD Code 3 (Lights and Sirens) engages all reasonably close civilians with the APD. (If you can hear the code 3 vehicle) Evading the APD in a vehicle shortly after they code 3 engages the APD with the civilian.
  11. Some zones and situations change engagement rules. See Red Zones/Blue Zones, RnR, and Training.

Chapter 2: No Vehicular Manslaughter [VDM]

  1. Do not use vehicles to run over a player unless it is an absolute last resort (Life or Death)
  2. Players can not shoot another player downed by a vehicle or shortly thereafter unless shot at.
    1. Exception: A player that self-spangles or is spangled by a teammate can be shot without violating VDM rules.
  3. Players are allowed to collide with another vehicle (To pit, disable, rotor tap, immobilize, troll, etc.). However, if you collide with a vehicle on purpose and because of the collision, there is an explosion/death, You may be found accountable and banned. You initiate these maneuvers at your own risk.

Chapter 3: No Random Vehicle/Item Destruction

  1. Do not purposefully blow up or destroy vehicles without a reason specified in the rules.

Chapter 4: No Combat Logging

  1. Disconnecting, aborting, or purposefully killing yourself while in an active situation with another player is not allowed.
  2. Killing a player who is currently tased or restrained with the clear intent to free the player from future consequences is considered Fail RP.
  3. Storing a vehicle while engaged with another player or within 5 minutes after combat is considered vehicular combat logging.
  4. Logging out, intentionally killing yourself, or storing a vehicle specifically to avoid an obvious encounter from happening is also considered combat logging.
  5. You may not drive a vehicle into the water to prevent it from being stolen, searched, etc.

Chapter 5: Aviation

  1. Warning shots may be given to air units (including the R&R) if you do not wish for them to land or loiter near your location (3 single rounds shot not directly at the air unit).
    1. Warning shots with a suppressed weapon are invalid.
  2. If a person does not fly away after being given warning shots, you may then open fire on them.

Chapter 6: Do not harm Rescue & Recovery

  1. Do not Interfere with R&R unless they are going against your directives.
  2. Citizens can only order a medic to revive a deceased player who is requesting medical service.
  3. Never harvest a kidney from, or rob an R&R member for any reason.
    1. Exception: R&R vehicles negligently unlocked by an R&R member may be 'stolen'.
  4. In specific zones, R&R ground units may be killed on sight.
  5. R&R may be killed or taken hostage when following the guidelines found here.
  6. Medical services may be denied to you based on the criteria found here.

Chapter 7: Hostage / Player Robbing

  1. A player may be held hostage for 15 minutes, after which they may choose to stay up to another 15 minutes or leave.
    1. Exception: A vigilante may hold a player for longer than 15 minutes if the jail doors are open and they make their best effort to repair it.
  2. Do not kill players in restraints
    1. Exception: You may kill players who do not follow reasonable demands
    2. Exception: You may kill players if hostage negotiations with the APD have failed, or the APD fails to show up in a reasonable timeframe.
  3. After a hostage situation/robbery, the player must be unrestrained and released safely, healed/not limping, either within 1 kilometer of a garage or 1 kilometer from their point of restraint.
    1. The auto-unrestraint is not considered a safe release.
  4. If you rob a player, you may not hold them for ransom, and vice versa.
  5. You may not take the same person hostage more than once every 30 minutes, even through server restarts.
    1. Exception: If the person initiates engagement first and commits a hostile action toward you, you may take them hostage again. This does not include the APD.
  6. APD members outnumbered 3 to 1 with guns clearly pointed at them need to surrender and abide by the hostage rules.
    1. Exception: APD members who are acting as hostage negotiators may not be taken hostage before, during, or immediately after hostage negotiations.
  7. Members of the APD may not be restrained or excessively tased when responding to Federal Events, Pharmaceutical, Bank, or APD Escort events or in the aftermath of the events above.
    1. Exception: APD members neutralized at Federal Events who put their hands freely may be restrained and escorted throughout the federal event area. They may not be robbed.
  8. A limited number of medics may be taken hostage per group for a Federal Event.
    1. 1-3 Medics Online (Hostage Max 1)
    2. 4-5 Medics Online (Hostages Max 2)
    3. 6+ Medics Online (Hostages Max 3)

Chapter 8: Vigilante

  1. Vigilantes are no exception to the law/rules. They must follow the server rules regarding RDM, VDM etc.
  2. Players associated with “meta-gaming” while having a vigilante license may be subject to administrative action.
    1. You may not group with a player and allow them to build a bounty just to collect on it in the end.
    2. You may not exchange/receive any form of compensation for sending a player to jail other than the standard bounty reward.
    3. You may not follow a player around who is breaking the law and continue to collect the bounty on them over and over.
  3. Do NOT take a wanted player who is already restrained away from another Vigilante and then send them to jail unless the Vigilante has asked you to.
  4. A player may NOT be robbed or held for ransom and then jailed for a bounty.
  5. Vigilantes should never attempt to arrest an APD Detainee. If APD asks for assistanc,e that is fine but do not run into an area yelling, "I'm a vigilante," and attempt to arrest someone the officer is dealing with.
  6. If you are arresting a wanted player, you are required to;
    1. Let the player know what they are wanted for.
    2. Let the player know their bounty amount.
    3. Let the player know you will be sending them to jail.
      1. These can be waved at the detainees request
    4. Take the player to the jail transport located at all Vigilante outposts.

Chapter 9: Terror Attack & HQ Takeover

  1. Terror
    1. All players are KOS inside the city that the terror was started in until the terror ends.
    2. R&R members are off-limits during terror unless they have been directed not to offer services. For more information, refer to the R&R Master Handbook.
  2. HQ Takeover
    1. All civilians and cops are KOS in and around the marked HQ

Chapter 10: New Life Rule

  1. If you die for any reason apart from dying by an Arma bug you may not return to that area for 15 minutes. (1 Kilometer from where you died)
    1. Exception: When a civilian is killed on Warzone Island or at any cartel NLR will not apply.
    2. Exception: When a civilian is lethaled by cops at Rebel Outposts, APD Escorts, or Gang Base, NLR does NOT apply.
    3. Exception: Players who have the sole intention of immediately returning to Warzone after death in or around Theresa (within 1 kilometer of Theresa) may respawn in Therisa and head back to Warzone, provided their actions within or around Theresa are limited to going to the garage, spawning a vehicle and driving to Warzone.
  2. The APD does not have NLR, to simulate the size of an actual police force.
  3. R&R has additional NLR-exempt scenarios, which can be found in the R&R handbook.
  4. Some events change NLR. see Events.

Chapter 11: Red Zone / Illegal Zone / Rebel Outposts

  1. Red zones are kill on site, and no RP engagement is required by civilians (Killing a player in restraints inside of a red zone is still considered Fail RP).
    1. Exception: R&R ground units must still be properly engaged in illegal zones other than the warzone island, gang base skirmishes, or active turfs. R&R aerial units always need proper engagement.
  2. Purposefully fishing for RDM reports by standing on the outskirts of a red zone can result in administrative action.

Chapter 12: Blue Zones

  1. The Altis Pharmaceutical Escort event, APD Escort event, and Art Gallery event Blue Zones allow civilians to kill cops on sight, no RP is required by civilians.
    1. RDM rules for civilian on civilian engagements are still enforced in Blue Zones.
  2. APD Escort Event
    1. Use of explosives against the APD Escort event with intent to blow up the escort vehicle is prohibited and will result in an event disruption ban.
    2. Any civilian interacting with, interfering with, or seen participating in the APD Escort event may be shot on sight by the APD; no RP is required.

Chapter 13: Explosive Items

  1. Suicide vests may be used following normal roleplay rules. Misuse of suicide vests to kill restrained players or destroy vehicles may still result in administrative action.
  2. Suicide Vests can be used without RP in redzones/terrors.
  3. When using a Titan on aerial vehicles, the pilot must first be directly notified, stating your demands and that you are using a Titan, if demands are not met (within reason), you may Titan the aerial vehicle. If a titan message is sent during an active engagement and the engagement lasts longer than 5 minutes, the player may still fire the titan at the pilot/vehicle that was messaged if demands were not met. Any tagged group/gang member may send a titan message to the pilot of the aerial vehicle.
  4. Titans may be used without texts in illegal areas.
    1. Exception: R&R units still need proper titan engagement in redzones.
  5. Titans may also be fired at ground vehicles and other players via standard RP rules. Misuse of Titan launchers to kill restrained players or destroy vehicles may still result in administrative action.
  6. When a player is directly fired upon by an aerial vehicle, the player may return fire with a titan without sending a text first. (Gang engagement does not apply to this rule)

Chapter 14: Martial Law

  1. Martial Law can be called by an Admin or by a Senior APD member.
  2. Martial Law may be called if a city is out of control and officers can not regain control.
  3. During Martial Law, any civilian seen in the city can be downed and restrained on sight.
    1. Exception: Civilians in houses must be properly engaged.
  4. During Martial law all civilians are engaged with the APD.

Chapter 15: Meta-Gaming

  1. You may not use information from one faction to switch over to a new faction and deal with the situation.
  2. Do not post situational information about other players in side/gang chat.
    1. Exception: AAN news broadcasts can contain situational information.
  3. You must wait 15 minutes before switching factions.
  4. Players can “Take a hostage comms and GPS”. After having communications and GPS taken, players may not communicate situational information outside of the game, over the radio, or in a text chat.

Chapter 16: Federal Event

  1. Federal Events include: The Blackwater Armory event, Federal Reserve event, Altis Penitentiary event, or Evidence Lockup event.
  2. A federal event is considered a legal area until it is being robbed, once an event begins, the event area then turns into a red zone. (Location is shown on map)
  3. Any vehicles left at a federal event after the event is over may be seized by the APD.
  4. Any vehicles involved in a federal event and followed out of the federal event may be seized if caught. See the APD handbook for more information about seizure.
  5. Additional Jail Rules
    1. Killing jail inmates is not permitted.

Chapter 17: Taxi

  1. Taxi vehicles may not be stolen
    1. Exception: Taxis may be stolen while inside a red/illegal zone
    2. Exception: The taxi can be stolen if the driver or passenger initiates hostile activity against another player.
    3. Exception: If you refuse to unlock a vehicle to let a player rob the items inside, your taxi may be stolen.
  2. Taxi drivers may not partake in hostage-taking or robbing others
    1. If while driving someone, a group states to pull over so they can take the person hostage, you may abide by the demands to preserve your own life.
  3. Taxi drivers may issue a fee for driving a player from Point A to Point B
    1. The driver can receive this money before the drive, but the price & place must be agreed upon first.
    2. Once paid, the Taxi driver must take the person to the agreed-upon place.
    3. Taxi drivers may not issue fees unless they are giving a ride to a person and a fee amount has been agreed upon.

Chapter 18: Worker's Protection License (WPL)

  1. Workers Protection License (WPL) holders are no exception to the law/rules. They must follow the server rules regarding RDM, VDM etc.
  2. License holders with a WPL cannot harvest illegal items as the WPL is meant for those engaged in legal enterprises.

Chapter 19: War

  1. When gangs are at war, they will see their warring enemy names in red. Someone with a red name may be shot without engagement, whether on foot or in a vehicle. This applies to all weapons, including titans and explosives.
    1. Killing someone you are at war with while they are restrained is still against the rules.

Chapter 20: Interacting with Whitelist Training / Player Tutorial

  1. When APD Training occurs in game, no player can interfere with the training.
  2. When R&R Training occurs in-game, no player can interfere with the training. R&R training is indicated by players having [Training] in their name.
  3. No player can interfere with players participating in the server's tutorial. Players participating in the tutorial are indicated with a yellow name,
    1. Exception: Players participating in the tutorial with over 30 hours on the server (indicated by NOT having a yellow name) are exempt and may be initiated on/robbed.
    2. Exception: Players using the tutorial to avoid an obvious situation may be initiated on/robbed.
    3. Exception: Players participating in the server's tutorial that initiate an engagement may be initiated on/robbed.

Chapter 21: Event Specific Rules

  1. Event rules may be modified by the staff member running the event, always follow guidelines set forth by staff broadcasts and use common sense
  2. Conquest
    1. Warzone rules apply inside the conquest zone (no NLR, KOS, etc)
    2. Civilians may not make use of armed aerial vehicles, slung armed vehicles, or AT vehicles
    3. Vigilantes may not camp areas solely to stop or arrest conquest participants (including, but not limited to, the nearest city/rebel/sheds)
    4. Players may not go to conquest with the sole intention of stealing/chopping vehicles
    5. Players may look through walls & floors, but may not poke their gun through to shoot.
    6. Jumping through windows is allowed, except when the jump requires floating or vaulting to complete
  3. Gang Base Skirmish
    1. Conquest rules apply inside the Gang Base Skirmish zone (no NLR, KOS, armed aerial vehicles, etc)
    2. Players may not utilize RPGs, Mines and Explosive charges/IEDS at the Gangbase Skirmish
    3. A gang's fighting force (including non-members) may not exceed 10 players.
    4. A gang that controls a Gangbase may not participate in or interfere with other skirmishes. Members of a winning gang cannot change groups or gangs to fight in multiple skirmishes or turfs.
  4. Gang Turfs
    1. Conquest rules apply inside the Gang Base Skirmish zone (no NLR, KOS, armed aerial vehicles, etc)
    2. Players may not utilize RPGs, Mines, and Explosive charges/IEDS at the Gangbase Skirmish
    3. A gang's fighting force (including non-members) may not exceed 6 players.
    4. Gangs that have ownership of a Gangbase may not participate or interfere with Turf Skirmishes. Gangs that own a Turf may participate in a Gangbase, if they win, they cannot interfere with a Turf until they lose control of the Gangbase.

Chapter 22: Miscellaneous

  1. You may not destroy property to prevent it being searched/raided.
  2. Extreme harassment may result in a ban.
  3. Switching to a different account to avoid a current ban on your account will result in both accounts being banned.
  4. Anyone found to be excessively trolling in any way to ruin or impede another community member's experience may be banned.
  5. Exploiting is considered as abusing an in-game bug or using a game mechanic in a way that is not intended to be used and may result in harsh punishments.
  6. You may face administrative action for violating APD and Medic rules while on duty.
  7. Buying or selling any Olympus assets will result in administrative action. Assets include Olympus money, virtual/physical items, and vehicles.
  8. Using multiple accounts by one user simultaneously in-game will result in a ban on all accounts.
  9. Bypassing the house limits of 5 houses per player via the use of multiple accounts will result in administrative action.
  10. Unsanctioned betting outside of the game server in any manner will result in administrative action.
  11. If an APD member witnesses a player blatantly breaking server rules a patrol officer+ can send them directly to jail for rule-breaking.
    1. If an APD member falsely arrests another player, they may face administrative action.
  12. Players must have in-game sound effects turned up to the point where direct voice communication from other players is audible.
  13. Do not sit with an open mic playing music, yelling or other disruptive sounds.